Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August Review Copy Clean Up Challenge

I heard about this challenge from Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer and thought how perfect it was for me. There's not a minimum requirement and the rules are simple so I'm jumping in. August is going to be a busy month for me in real life, so I'm giving myself two goals; one that I think is doable and one that is more challenging. With luck, I'll end up somewhere in between the two. The books have to be read in August, but the review might not go up in August. If you're interested, there's still time to sign up.

Review Copy Clean Up is hosted by 
Celene @
Nyx Book Reviews and Vicky @Books, Biscuits and Tea

Goal #1: The Easier Goal (I hope)

Yep, it's a small pile, but as I said, I August is going to be a busy month for. Plus, I have a second, more ambitious goal that I'll be striving for.

ETA 8/4: ACK! I just looked at my blog calendar and realized I forgot one. :(

Goal #2: The Ambitious Goal

In addition to the above books, I am also aiming to read the following review books:

So there are my goals. I am currently reading "Precinct 13", and enjoying it. I'll update this post each week with my successes and failures, and I'll include a link to it in my Sunday Post and Roundup each week. 

Week 1: As of 6:30 PM Saturday night, I've finished two books, one from the easy pile, "Precinct 13", and one from the ambitious pile, "When You Wish Upon A Duke". I enjoyed both. Next up is "Broken Harbor", a promised review for my other blog.

Week 2: I suck. I finished only one  review book, "Broken Harbor". I'm almost done with "Shadow of Deceit". I did read a couple of non-review library books this week.  

Week 3: Ugh, I really sucked. I read some library books this week so for review books, I finished 1, "Sweet Talk" by Julie Garwood and started "The Last Victim" by Karen Robards.

Week 4: I DNF'ed "The Last Victim" after about 50%, I just couldn't take it any more. I finished "A Sliver of Shadow" by Allison Pang. WOO HOO! Finally, I made progress. I finished all the books in my easy pile and I'm making headway on the challenging pile. I did decide to push reading "The Lost Prince" to September as there are books I need to get to before it. I also added a review book, "The Kentucky Derby: How the Run for the Roses Became America's Premier Sporting Event" by James C. Nicholson. In all, I did 7 out of 13, a little over 50%. Meh.

Week 5:

I'm still working on the Kentucky Derby book; it's dense, lots of history and politics so I took a break for a few days. This week I was sick (still? again?) and I had a long, stressful week at work. Every night after work, I'd come home, crash on the couch and end up napping for an hour or two. My reading and blogging both suffered as a result.

So, in all I finished 7 out of 14 books, completed my easy pile, and made a start on my ambitious pile. I had hoped to finish at least 3/4 of the list but I did make progress and I'm happy about that.


  1. Best of luck with this Bea,
    I think I'll be looking into it as well as I have quite a hefty August book line up already. Here's hoping I can do some good.


    1. I'm not sure that giving myself two goals was kosher, but I want a chance at succeeding! And, I need a kick in the butt to get busy again. Good luck with yours Gareth, I don't doubt you can do it.

  2. I'm so far behind on books right now, that I've even started to decline free ones.

  3. Good luck and happy reading :) I am also doing this x

  4. A few of these look really good. Good luck and I hope you enjoy them!

  5. Wow u r doing amazing! I have forgot about doing updates! I ave two is to read before end of August.....I think. I have had a few days off from reading ...maybe even a week. It was a nice break :) xx


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