Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Interview & Excerpt from "The Book of Lost Fragrances" by M.J. Rose

Author M.J. Rose is here today, answering a few questions and sharing an excerpt from her newest book, "The Book of Lost Fragrances, which was released March 13th by Atria Books.

M.J. Rose, is the international bestselling author of several novels including Lip Service, In Fidelity, Flesh Tones, Sheet Music, Lying in Bed, The Halo Effect, The Delilah Complex, The Venus Fix, The Reincarnationist, The Memorist and The Hypnotist.

Rose is also the co-author with with Doug Clegg of Buzz Your Book.

She is a founding member of International Thriller Writers and the founder of the first marketing company for authors: She runs the popular blog; Buzz, Balls & Hype.

Getting published has been an adventure for Rose who self-published Lip Service late in 1998 after several traditional publishers turned it down. Editors had loved it, but didn't know how to position it or market it since it didn't fit into any one genre. Frustrated, but curious and convinced that there was a readership for her work, she set up a web site where readers could download her book for $9.95 and began to seriously market the novel on the Internet.

After selling over 2500 copies (in both electronic and trade paper format) Lip Service became the first e-book and the first self-published novel chosen by the LiteraryGuild/Doubleday Book Club as well as being the first e-book to go on to be published by a mainstream New York publishing house.

Rose has been profiled in Time magazine, Forbes, The New York Times, Business 2.0, Working Woman, Newsweek and New York Magazine. She's also appeared on The Today Show, Fox News, The Jim Lehrer NewsHour, and features on her have appeared in dozens of magazines and newspapers in the U.S. and abroad, including USAToday, Stern, L'Official, Poets and Writers and Publishers Weekly.

Rose graduated from Syracuse University and spent the '80s in advertising. She was the Creative Director of Rosenfeld Sirowitz and Lawson and she has a commercial in the Museum of Modern Art in NYC.

She lives in Connecticut with Doug Scofield, a composer, and their very spoiled dog, Winka.

By M.J. Rose 
ISBN: 9781451621303
Published by: ATRIA BOOKS
Length: 384 pages, 1899KB
Release Date: MARCH 13, 2012

M.J., thank you for taking the time to sit down and answer some questions.

Bea: Where do you normally write?M.J.: Wherever my laptop is

Bea: What would be your favorite meal?
M.J.: Lobster and champagne.

Bea: What was your least favorite part of The Book of Lost Fragrances to write?
M.J.: The first draft.

Bea: Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?
M.J.: Write because you love writing, not because you want to get rich or famous. It’s a big lottery so focusing on the winning ticket means you’ll lose the magical journey that writing can be.

Bea: What is your favorite perfume other than the one Joya created for the book?
M.J.: Musc Ravageur by Malle and Citrine by Olivier Durbano

Thank You M.J. And now for the excerpt.


“Perfume can evoke feelings, Papa,” L’Etoile had argued. “Imagine what a fortune we’d make if we were selling dreams and not just formulations.”

“Nonsense,” his father admonished. “We are chemists, not poets. Our job is to mask the stench of the streets, to cover the scent of the flesh and relieve the senses from the onslaught of smells that are unpleasant,vile and infected.”

“No, Father. You’re wrong. Poetry is the very essence of what we do.”

Despite his father’s opinion, L’Etoile was certain that there wasmore that scent could offer. That it had a deeper purpose. It was why he had come to Egypt. And he’d discovered that he was right. Ancient perfumers had been priests. Perfume was part of holy rituals and religious customs.

The next stop on the tour is

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