Sunday, March 11, 2012

In My Mailbox #21

In My Mailbox was started by The Story Siren. It's a way to share and highlight all the books we receive, even if we don't review them. l share books that I buy, that I receive for review, get from the library, borrow from a friend, etc.

I looked at my TBR shelf on goodreads, and it has a frightening 456 books. Even more frightening: there are books not listed that I plan on reading.

Click on the covers to see the goodreads descriptions.


I won this in a giveaway on a message board I belong to. I've been looking forward to this books since Seanan first started talking about it.


I bought this with a coupon the author gave me.

Yes, another Krista D . Ball book. What can I say, I'm a fan. :D


I saw this on Book Blogs Ning, it was available as part of a blog tour. The timing didn't work for me but the book sounded interesting so I requested it from my library.


An excellent book week for me and I am going to be quite busy reading. How was your week, what did you get?


  1. Great win! I want to read Discount Armageddon, too. Shadowflame looks interesting, also. I'll have to check that one out.

    MY IMM

    1. I love Seanan's writing, and this one sounds humorous. I haven't read Sylvan before but the blurb is intriguing.

  2. I love Seanan... this one sounds good ! lovely haul :)

    1. I love her writing too, and she's funny as hell in person. I got to hear her talk at Arisia in 2011 and had a wonderful time.

  3. Too many to list unfortunately. Like you I'm working my way steadily through them but some times it feels like you're climbing Everest.

  4. Some absolutely gorgeous books here! Have a great week and enjoy your reads, Bea! :)

  5. You got some great books! Shadowflame sounds wonderful..

    Happy Reading :)

    Sharon @ Obsession with Books

    My IMM -

  6. Thanks Bea! Got a full-length tome coming out next month, but it's all dark and moody. Not like my light and happy stuff ;)

    1. I remember! I'm still debating whether or not to pick that one up. I probably will. :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!