Friday, March 9, 2012

Change in Review Requests

From the blog My Mercurial Nature

I did an image search for piles of books and this one caught my eye. I hadn't seen this poem before but I like it very much. It's quite apt, for myself, and for Liz and Jax. If you don't have a magnifying glass handy to read the poem with, it says this:

Books to the ceiling, books to the sky,

My piles of books are a mile high.

How I love them!

How I need them!

I'll have a long beard by the time I read them.

Arnold Lobel

Liz, Jax, and I are all busy, with reviews that we have accepted and with life stuff. I've decided to close the blog temporarily to new requests. We are starting to get snowed under and currently are running about two months out for reviews. When we've caught up, and caught our breath, the blog will re-open to new review requests. For publicists and blog tour companies that we are currently working with, we will still consider new requests as time, and our sanity, permits.

We will still do the occasional interview and some guest posts and book spotlights so feel free to email us about those. If we said we're reviewing your book, it's coming! I apologize for any delays. Thanks for your understanding.


  1. I had to do this, I am on schedule..but when you are reviewing 15+ books a makes you panic. I was taking on too many indie authors..and hadn't yet mastered the delicate art of saying no. Good luck

  2. I've gotten a lot better at saying no but even so...the books add up. I don't want to get any further behind and neither do Jax and Liz. And yes, I've definitely had a few moments of panic. We'll get back on track.


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