Saturday, November 12, 2011

In The Hospital

I"m attempting this post as an email from my cellphone, I hope it works. Yesterday, I tried accessing my Blog from my phone and doing a New Post but it didn't work. I then emailed Jax, asking for help but she was unavailable to help.

Anyway, as the title says, I'm in the hospital. I've been having trouble with my asthma for the past two weeks. I went back to the doctor on Friday November 11th, she sent me to the ER and ultimately, they admitted me. I don't, at this point, know how long I'll be in. Once I'm home I'll be on bedrest for a week or two. I hope That will let me catch up on the reading I've been too sick to do. I am behind on my review reading. Once I'm home, I'll have time to read and write but as my regular readers know, I don't have internet at home. So, I won't be able to do posting, except for pieces like this, until I can drive and go to the library or McDonald's for free wifi.

My apologies to all of you, authors, readers, Publishers, publicists and everyone else. I will do my best to catch up. Once I have access to my regular Google calendar and not my cellphone's limited version, I will start rearranging things. Please don't hesitate to email but bear in mind I can't answer any calendar related questions just yet.

Sorry for any typos I missed.

Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless Android Phone


  1. OMG- I hope you get better soon! I am sorry to hear that you are in the hospital. How terrible! I hope you will be able to get your reading done- but take it easy. :)

    Wishing you a speedy recovery-

  2. Don't worry about the reviews, just focusing on getting better and looking after yourself. I hope you have a quick recovery.

  3. Sort yourself out before anything else Bea, you really shouldn't worry about things. You'll get round to them. If I can help let me know.

  4. Work can wait Please take care of yourself and I will be Praying for you and for a speedy recovery.

  5. Thanks everyone. As you can see, I have trouble slowing down. LOL.

    I'm still in the hospital,the doctor is taking it one day at a time. There is progress. :)

  6. Get well soon! thats all that matters =)


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