Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I NEED This Book!!!

Ok, I don't need it but I want it, for the curiousity factor alone. What book am I talking about? This one.

Now, I'm not particularly crafty. I never even liked arts and crafts in school or the Girl Scouts or at summer camp. But.......making use of all that cat hair that my beast Goof (see pic in my header) sheds? And he's a short hair. Where was this book when I had a long haired cat? O_o I have joked with my friend Patti about sending her my cat's fur to knit into mittens. When I groom the beast, I end up with a pile of cat fur about baseball size, though much less dense of course. I found the link for this book on Twitter, via Publishers Weekly. Here's a link to their article.

The blurb for the book on Goodreads says:
Got fur balls?
Are your favorite sweaters covered with cat hair? Do you love to make quirky and one-of-a-kind crafting projects? If so, then it’s time to throw away your lint roller and curl up with your kitty! Crafting with Cat Hair shows readers how to transform stray clumps of fur into soft and adorable handicrafts. From kitty tote bags and finger puppets to fluffy cat toys, picture frames, and more, these projects are cat-friendly, eco-friendly, and require no special equipment or training. You can make most of these projects in under an hour—with a little help, of course, from your feline friends!

So, who's gonna buy this for me for Christmas? You just may end up with an original Bea and Goof craft project as a thank you. :D


  1. My first reaction is "eewww!" but that doesn't make sense since I wear wool sweaters, etc. Guess it comes down to what seems "normal" to you. Now that I've thought a bit, I bet some upcyclers have made some really beautiful products this way! I'm at least going to take a look at this book. :)

  2. Yep, it's no different than wearing wool or leather.

    I really need to take a look at this book and check out the projects, maybe attempt one.

  3. LOL. I need it too with the two Main Coon's I have. Put up a review once you try it. I like to see if it really works.

  4. Now I need it! Must have! And if I'm too lazy to pick up cat hair I'll pluck it off my cat. :)

    Wish I had a purple cat though. Then it'd be more colorful.

  5. Laurie, I will for sure!

    Linda, you could attempt to dye the fur. But not the cat, that'd be dangerous for your health. :P

  6. I'm firmly convinced that there is a book for everything! This creeps me out a little too, just gives me shivers although Gwendolyn is right, people wear wool but still...ew.

  7. It is a little bit creepy, I think that's part of the appeal for me. :P But if I think of it like wool, then it becomes less creepy for me. Still, I understand your reaction. Probably a lot of people who hear of this book will feel that way.

  8. Funnily enough I was talking to a friend of mine about this because I'd seen it on a craft blog recently. We're both big cat lovers (I've got six, included two long haired ones) but I think we had to agree that intriguing as it is, it isn't for us.

    I'd LOVE to see one for real though. I bet they're pretty amazing.

  9. OMG, that is so awesome. I want this book now. Funny enough, I don't like wool but I want to try this so much. Cats are awesome.

  10. My editor just sent this to me as a Get Well gift after my surgery! It's fantastic. A little kooky & the author takes her craft *very* seriously, but it really is a great, fun book!

    P.S. I have no yet tried my hand at crafting with cat hair. Maybe because I'm not all that crafty to begin with. But I'm thinking I'll give it a try. :)

  11. I got an email offering me the book also. I'm not crafty but I'm hoping that there will be at least one project I can manage.

  12. LOL, with five cats, I suppose I really should get something like this. Although to be honest, I'm not going to go through the furballs. LOL

    Let me know how it goes.

  13. Umm, yeah. I think it's safe to skip the furballs. Icky. :P

  14. I don't think I would like to craft with cat hair- although I do have a cat. I just don't play with the hair that comes off of him. I must say I am curious about what types of crafts you could make with cat hair- but I don't know that I would want to make them. If you do get this book- you have to do a review! :)



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