Monday, July 4, 2011

Review of The Secret Guide to Dating Monsters by Sierra Dean

Publisher: Samhain Publishing

Release Date: July 19, 2011

Series: #0.5 in the Secret McQueen series

More Info:   Amazon   Samhain Publishing

Book Blurb:

Are blind dates supposed to be this bloody?

A Secret McQueen

They say it's impossible to find a man in New York City. Secret McQueen needs to find two in one night. Of course, it’ll mean pulling off the impossible—find and kill a displaced rogue vampire without disrupting the first promising date she’s had in ages. As a werewolf hybrid used to walking a fine line of survival in the vampire world, though, Secret eats impossible for breakfast.

Somewhere between hello and the first round of drinks, Secret makes her move. Her target, Hollywood’s biggest star, shouldn’t be hard to spot. Just look for swarms of fans. Except every time her vampire liaison, Holden, helps keep her mission on track, her date runs further off the rails.

Either Holden has a hidden agenda, or he knows more than he’s letting on about her quarry. One way or another, Secret is determined to get her man, and meet Mr. Right. Or die trying. 

Product Warnings:

This book contains a sword-wielding assassin whose barbs are sharper than her blade, a vampire with serious brooding issues but a skilled tongue, and an A-lister with a bad habit of eating his fans.   This novella takes place approximately one year prior to the events of Something Secret This Way Comes.

My Thoughts:

In this prequel, we get to see what a day is like for Secret: what she goes through as an employee for the Vampire Council and just getting through a day. We also get a little more background on both Secret and Holden. The story has action, humor, a very hot kissing scene, and an awesome sword. If you have already read the novella, "Something Secret This Way Comes", the infamous subway scene is detailed in here.

Her friend, detective Mercedes, bullies her into going on a blind date with another detective. Naturally, complications immediately set in. Her liaison with the council, Holden, shows up with a job that needs to be completed immediately. He seems disgruntled about her date and throughout the story, delights in sabotaging it, all in the name of of work of course. Secret is actually quite interested in her date, once they meet, and watching her juggle her date and her work, was entertaining, if frustrating for poor Secret.

I enjoyed this story quite a lot, more so even than than the first book. I am looking forward to the next book, "A Bloody Good Secret", coming out in September.

I received an eARC for review from the author.


  1. Just wanted to let you know I'm following you now from the Literary Blog Directory. My blog is if you want to check it out.

  2. Hi bookwormfamily, thanks for stopping by and following me. It's nice to meet you. :)

  3. Guys, there's a kiss in this story that will knock your socks off. It's smoking. I think Secret walked away from it a little addled. It was just... whoa. Honestly, the story could have stopped at that kiss and I would have been happy. Yes, it was that good.


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