Tuesday, July 5, 2011

NetGalley Month at Red House Books

One of the first connections I made when I started blogging and reviewing was NetGalley, an amazing on-line site that connects reviewers (including bloggers), teachers (raises hand again), and librarians with free digital ARC's of upcoming books from a large, and ever expanding, list of publishing houses.

Red House Books blog has declared July to be NetGalley month. The idea is to read as many NetGalley books in July as you can. That works for me as I'm behind on my NetGalley ARC's and had already arranged the blog calendar so that many of the reviews in July, August and September would be from my shamefully large TBR pile. I will read as many titles as I can this month, though the reviews may not appear for a month or two. I'm behind on many reviews, not just my NetGalley ones, and am using the summer to catch up.

NetGalley is working with RHB to set this up; there will be prizes, Tweet chats, etc. For more details, see the post here. on the Red House Books blog.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, now I can appreciate that someone else is in my predicament :) If this were my list, I would choose – Always a Witch, These Things Hidden, and The Near Witch. These are titles I have not heard about and a lot of the others I have – its fun to read a post about something new :) Thanks for sharing today, be talking with you soon!


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