Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Review: Staked by J.F. Lewis

Review by Jax
Book Blurb: Murder is a fact of life for the vampire Eric, owner of the DemonHeart strip club in Void City, but when he kills a werewolf in self-defense, things get wildly out of hand. Though the local Alpha and his pack of born-again lycanthropes are out for holy retribution, they're the least of Eric's worries when he finds himself caught between his girlfriend Tabitha, who has always wanted to be a vampire, and her sexy little sister Rachel, a tantric witch with a hidden agenda.

Why can't unlife be easy? All Eric wants to do is run his club, drink a little blood and be left alone. In his quest to discover who is trying to end him and why, he must survive car crashes, embalming, sunlight, tantric magic, and werewolves on ice as well as his own nasty temper, forgetfulness, and mistakes. More diamond in the sewer than diamond in the rough, Eric is willing to take on the world in Staked, a book where love just might conquer all, even if it is twisted, evil, and undead.

My Thoughts: Ok, Eric...oh, poor Eric. Never date sisters. Ever. I don't care if one of them thought the other was dead! Or that you didn't know that. LMAO. Eric lives his life by one law.


He's a magnet for trouble: jealous friends causing problems, jealous girlfriends messing with his head, and psychotic vampire daughter. He just wants to be this average guy and live his life. Turns out he has phenomenal cosmic powers and itty bitty memory.

It's a light hearted book, for all Eric's mayhem. It flips from his POV to Tabitha, his newly turned girlfriend. It keeps the story moving, even if I sometimes lose track of who's talking. (I don't always pay attention to the chapter titles. An enjoyable quick read that kept me grinning, if not actually giggling.

Publisher: Pocket Books

Release Date: Reprint edition June 30, 2009

This book was lent to the reviewer by a friend                                                                      

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