Monday, January 24, 2011

Calling All Smuthounds!!

     Now that I have your attention. :D I need your help. Earlier today I was sharing quotes from a paranormal romance that I was reading ( I finished it) over on Twitter and facebook, and someone on Twitter suggested that I do a post on hot quotes. I liked that idea so here I am, soliciting your help.

     I want you to send me hot quotes, your favorite ones. They can be from any book, any genre, and they don't have to  be sexual in nature. If it strikes you as hot, send it along. Whatever you send, please  include a brief note on why it's hot, what do you find hot about it. Also, I will need the name of the book and the author of the book, plus your name. You can be anonymous if you choose, or give me  your blog name, Twitter name, board name, etc., just something that I can refer to you as besides "hey you". :P

     PLEASE do not post your quotes in the comments, they will be deleted. Email me at baconnors AT gmail DOT com and put "blog quotes" in the subject line. I'd like to have your replies by Friday evening 5:30 PM EST so I can write up the post and publish it on Saturday. *note to self: stock up on ice and cold water*

     Oh, and if you are curious, the book that started this is "Undertow: Building Sanctuary" by the awesome writing team of Moira Rogers (two women writing together under one name).


  1. Guess I'll have to break out the Jeanine Frost and Ilona Andrews stuff again to skim for these. Darn. :P

  2. It's a hardship, I know. :P

    Heck, if it does well, it could become a regular feature, maybe monthly. :D

  3. Totally missed this time limit, but that's okay. I don't have a definite favourite myself, but I'm really looking forward to seeing them!

  4. Yeah I'm running a little late. No one responded :( so I'm combing my books for more. So, really, it's not too late to send me yours!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!