Friday, May 15, 2020

Friday Book Memes: The Goodbye Man by Jeffery Deaver

I'm participating in two Friday book memes, Book Beginnings On Fridays, hosted by Rose City Reader, and The Friday 56, hosted by Freda's Voice.

Every Friday, share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires. Please remember to include the title of the book and the author’s name.

For the Friday 56, grab a book, any book. Turn to Page 56, or 56% on your ereader. If you have to improvise, that's okay. Find a snippet, short and sweet. Post it, and add the url to your post at the link here.

I'm reading this now and my review will be up next week. It's the second in the series, so easy to catch up if you're interested.

June 11, 2 p.m.
Seconds to decide.
Swerve left? Swerve right?
A steep drop into brush? Or a narrow shoulder that ends in a cliff wall?

Well, that grabbed my attention. The books starts with a bang and in the middle of action. I kept reading.

The quote is from 56%  in the egalley.

Verbena is a flowering plant that has quite the history in spiritualism. Ironically, given the official name of Eli's Foundation, in ancient Egypt the plant was called Tears of Isis--after Osiris's wife, the woman who, literally, put her husband back together.

I haven't gotten to this part yet but I'm curious what the relevance is, and happy to have learned something new (that verbena has a part to play in spirituality).

What book are you embarking on? Please share in the comments. 


  1. Oh wow, that is a very interesting beginning. It grabbed my attention too. I haven't heard of The Goodbye Man before, so thanks for mentioning it! :-)

    1. It pulls you right in, doesn't it? Thanks for visiting!

  2. I do like the look and sound of this one, and I am reminded that I've enjoyed this author. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. I haven't read much by Deaver but I've mostly liked what I've read.

      Thanks for visiting and have a good weekend.

  3. Sounds quite interesting to me!! Happy weekend, stay safe!

  4. I loved Deaver's The Never Game, which has this same main character, and I can't wait to read this one. :D

    1. I did too and was excited I got this one.

  5. I like historical facts about flowers and plants. I had to research some for my own book and I always found them very intriguing. It's great to find something like that in a book :)
    Konna @ The Reading Armchair

    1. I like those sorts of details in a book; it adds interest and depth.

  6. Such a fascinating start to a book - seems like it is right in middle of something exciting going on!

    1. Deaver did that with the first book in the series too. As a style it either turns you off or pulls you in. In this case, it pulled me in.

  7. That's such an attention-grabbing beginning. I definitely want to know more. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a great weekend! :)

  8. Replies
    1. It has some slow moments but it's pretty good.

  9. That is a very exciting beginning! I am only reading mysteries right now, so it appeals to me.

    1. I've been reading a lot of mysteries lately. Most do not have such an exciting start!

  10. I haven't read Deaver in forever. I should try some of his more recent things. :)

  11. I'm relatively new to his works and enjoying this series so far.

  12. The opening is such a wild ride and then the 56 is more mellow. I wonder how the whole book is?

    1. I finished last night and it is a mix of action, suspense, and introversion. I mostly liked it.

  13. I love the cover of this :D
    The book also looks good. I believe I have this one.

    1. And the cover is both apt and relevant to the story. I hope you like it.

  14. Such a lovely book. I got carried away reading this.
    You can visit my website for related quotes.

    1. I enjoyed it but I wasn't carried away. Thanks for visiting!

  15. The 56 sounds interesting. Deaver is one of those authors taht I've been meaning to read for ages but I don't think I ever have.

    1. I've only read a few but I want to explore more of hsi works.

  16. This sounds really good! I have not read anything by Jeffery Deaver yet but he is on my list. I do wonder how the flowering plant is tied to the story. I can't wait to see what you think of this one.

    1. My review will be up in a few days, maybe Tuesday.

  17. This sounds like an interesting read. Btw your blog is so beautiful and creative.

    Beena @ Beena Khan

  18. Yeah, that is a great opening, Bea! :)

  19. Oooh, I love that opening! Right into the meat and action. I've heard really good things about Jeffery Deaver, but I haven't read his work yet. This sounds like a good one!

    1. He know how to write an exciting opening that pulls you in. I want to try some of his other works.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!