Thursday, April 2, 2020

Books from the Backlog - Undone Deeds by Mark Del Franco

This is a fun meme! There used to be another meme about neglected TBR books, known as Dusty Reads. That meme died and recently this one popped up. I'm delighted to participate and I'm linking up with Carole from Carole's Random Life of Books for Books from the Backlog. Join the fun and share a neglected book from your shelf.

This week's neglected book ~

Connor Grey, a druid consultant for the Boston P.D., usually helps the cops solve their “strange” cases, but now he’s the suspect in the midst of one. Wrongly accused of a terrorist act that rocked the city to its core, Connor evades arrest by going underground, where rumors of war are roiling. A final confrontation between the Celtic and Teutonic fey looks inevitable—with Boston as the battlefield.

Undercover agents are turning up dead in the Weird—their murders brushed aside and ignored—and Connor exposes a citywide conspiracy of silence that seems linked to the inexorable march to war. As he digs deeper into the mysterious deaths, Connor draws closer to the secrets of a past he has sought for so long. And as friends and allies abandon him one by one, Connor discovers that in the clash between light and dark, and in the face of a cataclysm of epic proportions, he might have to make the ultimate sacrifice to save the world.

Why did I add this to my shelf?

I read the preceding books and enjoyed them. BUT. This is the final book in the series and I have this quirk where I will NOT read the final book because I don't want the series to end. If I don't finish the series, then it's not done, right? Okay, so it's not logical. I have, er, a bunch of final books sitting around unread.

Unfortunately, after all this time (6.5 years), I remember very little of the preceding books. Ooops. And the copy I have is a paperback. I rarely read paperbacks anymore because the font is too darn tiny. Sigh. The joy of getting older. My library doesn't have it in ebook and I refuse to pay full price, a price that's more than the paperback price, for a backlist Kindle book. Ah well.


  1. Ugh I struggle with paperbacks now too due to font size. It's not fair! Still, sounds like a fun series. I like the druid angle...

    1. Getting older is a challenge, but it's a good thing. When this series first started, druids were a novelty in UF. That was part of the appeal for me.

  2. I do the same thing with final books! And the more I enjoy a series the harder it is for me to pick up the last book. Glad I'm not the only one!

  3. Oh no! The curse of small print (and yellowing pages on top of it) get to me a lot these days. I have to read mass market paperbacks in full sun if I hope to read them.
    I had to laugh about your little quirk because I share that one, too. I have to really push myself to read that final book in the series.

    I hadn't heard of this series and it looks great.

    1. So nice to know I'm not alone in my reading quirk or in my paperback difficulties. 😁

  4. I haven't read this series, but it sounds like a good one. I'll have to add it to my list.

  5. I have done this before more than once. Oh, I really hate paperbacks with tiny print. I think I can deal with them just a bit better now that I have bifocals but it can still be an issue. I am going to have to check out this series!

    1. I read so few paperbacks these days as most have tiny print. I hope you like the series!

  6. I can relate to your struggle reading paperbacks nowadays. *sigh*

    This really does sound good though. The series is new to me. I may have to look for it. I hope you have a good weekend. Stay safe and well.

    1. Thank you, you too. If you do read the series, I hope you like it.


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