Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sunday Book Share #181

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by Caffeinated Book ReviewerStacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. It's a chance to share the print and digital books we've received and posts and events on the blog.

My laptop was dying so I've been blogging from the library in the evenings after work, which is not convenient. Ive done it before but I'd blocked out what a nuisance it is. So today, after church and lunch out, I bought a new laptop. Then I took a nap, lol. So I'm late and I haven't been able to visit anyone but here's my post and  I'll visit and comment throughout the week.

I had gotten in the habit of pounding the crap out of my keys in order to get them to respond so I'm relearning NOT to do that so I don't break any of the keys on the new laptop. *pats the new shiny* The OS on this laptop is Windows 10, which I've heard horror stories about, but so far it doesn't suck. It IS confusing and not very intuitive but so far, not horrible.Oh, and the battery on the new laptop? Supposed to last 12 hours! My old one never got more than 2.5 hours before needing a recharge. If this really does last 12 hours or close to it, that would be amazing and oh so convenient. 

The Past 2 Weeks In Review:

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog: I got nothin'. All of the search terms were variations on "Nora Roberts 2016 release schedule"

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page


Library - Kindle and print

Lots for my classroom, which I'm not listing, but a few came in for me. :)


Review Consideration

Kindle Freebies

Whew, I think that's all of them! :D Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers in the last 2 weeks? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. Yay for the new laptop, good for you! Stop pounding those keys lol. My keyboard is one of those "loud" ones, I'm so used to it making noise when I use a quieter keyboard it's weird. And yeah I still mostly use a desktop...

    I'm still on Win7 and always dread moving up...

    Tier One looks action packed!

  2. This one is quiet so I keep checking to make sure the keys are working. :D It's nice to have working keys, and just a laptop that works properly in general. Though, it's been only a few hours so I'm sure there will be things I don't like about it as I use it.

    I had Win 7 and the dread of changing kept me using the old laptop longer than I should have. As I said, so far Win 10 is not horrible. It's not fantastic but it's not horrible.

  3. Don't break the laptop!!! I know how that is though haha I got The Trouble with Mistletoe last week and I can't wait to read it!
    Genesis @ Latte Nights Reviews

    1. It would be horrible to break the brand-new laptop so soon :D I;m getting better at not banging, but I have to think about it. The Trouble with Mistletoe looks good, doesn't it?

  4. Oh, I hated when my keys wouldn't work. I have a relatively new computer - and it has a touch screen, so sometimes I have to remember that if I'm pointing to something or whatever. LOL I'm glad your new one is working well though!


  5. Oy! Blogging from anything other than my laptop would be so painful! I'm sorry you had to go through that. D: But you got so many great books! I'm curious about the Barth one. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a fabulous week. :)

    Check out my STS post!

  6. I always hate it when my laptop goes haywire! Here’s my Sunday Post!

  7. What a nuisance having to use the library's computer. Good luck with your new one.

    Your books look so good especially the Jill Shalvis and Lynn Cahoon books. I want them, but I'm trying to be good :)

    Have a great week!

  8. I loved The Wolf Within! I hope you enjoy it as well! :)

    Happy Reading! <a href="”>Dani @ Paulette’s Papers</a>

  9. I love Jill Shalvis books. They are so well written and she is so funny. Good list.

  10. I learnt to type many moons ago on a manual typewriter so I ALWAYS bash the keys. It's a habit I never got out of.
    I often think about going to the library to blog, just because it seems like such a lovely studious environment to be writing in. Someday I will!
    And eekk, there is a Christmas book in there! Scary :D

  11. Oh yay for new laptop!! I am considering maybe having to get one too at some point because my keys aren't responding like they should and nooooo one can seem to figure out what's wrong to fix it. *cries* (Also nap taking is an extremely good idea. I think the world would be a better place if we all took more frequent naps.😂)
    Hope you enjoy these books! :D

  12. Oh no. Sorry to hear about your laptop. Yeah, those keys do get hard to push as it ages. :) Hope you get all squared away with a computer. :)

  13. Oh gah. Blogging at the library only can be crazy frustrating. When the internet went out here that had to happen. Hope 10 works out for you. It made the sound on mine just horrible. :/

  14. I am dreading the dying of the laptop...mine is three years old, and I don't know if that's OLD for a laptop...but so far, it's working fine. Although the letters are faded off of some of the keys.

    My biggest worry about updating would be the dreaded Windows 10.

    Enjoy your week, and those books look tempting. Thanks for visiting my blog.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!