Sunday, July 24, 2016

Sunday Book Share #180

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by Caffeinated Book ReviewerStacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. It's a chance to share the print and digital books we've received and posts and events on the blog.

I saw the new Star Trek movie and it was wonderful! They finally found their stride with this one. It was bittersweet too, knowing that it was Chekov's last film as the actor, Anton Yelchin, who played him in the reboot died recently, and the movie also addressed the death of Leonard Nimoy, who played the original Spock. If you're a Star Trek fan, go see the movie. It's good!

And speaking of Star Trek, check out this teaser for the new TV series starting in January. Squeeeeee!

I had a fun week at school. My co-teacher was on vacation and the teacher who subbed for her was a blast. I had a good time working with her and the kids really liked her. Friday afternoon I put the kids to work. We had dirt, rocks, blocks, and toy construction trucks in our sensory table all week. I decided to clean it on Friday and made a game out of it. I let the kids scoop out the dirt and dump it in the trash can then put soap and water in the table and gave the kids cloths for scrubbing. The kids had a blast, the table and toys got cleaned, and my co-teacher won't freak out over dirt in the table or the kids helping me clean. Despite being a toddler teacher, she doesn't do well with messes. :D

The Week In Review:

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog: "2016 jd robb books", "raunchy novels excerps", and "raunchy sex passages". There seems to be a pattern. :D The excerpts I post are rarely raunchy so I find it funny that my blog crops up in response to those search terms.

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page

Another good week for books. In fact, I didn't realize how many came in until I did this post. Ooops.  :D As I was putting this post together, I also realized that every single one of my review books this week is a mystery - thriller, romantic suspense, or urban fantasy mystery - but they're all some flavor of mystery. Some are authors or  series that I'm already reading while some are new to me. Even my purchases are mostly mysteries. :D

Kindle Unlimited

Purchased - Print

Library - I checked out a bunch but they were all for the classroom so I won't list them. My school has a poor selection of books so I've been using my library card to supplement.

Review - Kindle and Print

Review Consideration -Print

Print Freebie

I got this for free, with free shipping, using my Harlequin Rewards points. :)

InstaFreebie -Digital

Free from the author - Digital

If you email Kelley's assistant Alison with proof that you pre-ordered her forthcoming book "Betrayals", she'll send you a code to download this anthology for free. It's not available anywhere else; it's a perk for ordering the book.

Kindle Freebies

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. "Raunchy sex passages" -- SO great. :D I am curious about the new Ruggle book! I have seen it around and I think I would like it. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a fabulous week, Bea. :)

    Check out my STS post!

    1. I've been enjoying the Ruggle series and after the ending of the last book, I *had* to have this one!

      Have a great week!

  2. Star Trek huh? Glad to hear the movie was good... I was wondering (and skeptical, not being a fan of Abrams' alternate timeline). Nice that they made a good one. And the new TV show? Very curious about that... :)

    Way to put those kids to work. :)

    1. I had doubts about the timeline at first, but it's smoothing out. And this was a very good Trek film, regardless of timeline. I am very curious about the new show and hoping they do a good job of it.

      Child labor, I love it! :D

  3. Wow there are a lot of new books there Bea!

    I haven't really been into Star Trek the series (though watched it as a kid) but enjoyed the last movie.

    And what a great relief teacher - it sounds like you had a great time and you hope she might fill in again!

    1. Yep, a lot of new books, lol!

      I did like the sub and happily she's a regular so we will work together again sometime. :)

      Have a good week!

  4. I grabbed Safe from Harm too, I enjoy Kate's books. How odd she doesn't handle dirt as a toddler teacher..LOL Glad you had a great week!

    1. Yeah, she's an oddball of a toddler teacher. IMO, she'd be better in preschool. Hope you're feeling better!

  5. Ha - yeah, sometimes there will be that "whoops" moment while putting my post together and realizing how many books I got. Mysteries are always good though! Hope you enjoy them.

    1. Glad I'm not the only one that does that! :D Mysteries are always good; it's hard to g wrong with a mystery. Have a good week!

  6. That's great that things went well with the sub teacher :-) And what a great idea making the cleaning into a game so all the kids were actually enthusiastic to do it, haha. And you do seem to have an interesting trend going on with the searches lol. Sometimes I look at searches for my blog and think to myself, "Well that person must've been disappointed." Anyway, have a great week!

    1. LOL I have that thought too about some of the searches for my blog. Have a good week!

  7. I do love mysteries and/or thrillers. I read none this week, as sometimes I need a break. But now I'm ready to dive into them again.

    Sting looks tempting. I enjoy Sandra Brown's books.


  8. It's funny how kids have fun cleaning when you make a game of it. LOL I am so drooling over a bunch of your books. I always leave your blog and head over to Amazon. You are bad for my book budget.Thanks for sharing some I missed! LOL

    My Sunday Post

  9. I never was a Star Trek fan but I have always watched the movies at least once. I will probably wait till it's on dvd before checking it out but glad to see you liked it. :)

    Wow, you did get a lot of books this week. I did

    Have a great day,
    Week in Review

  10. Ooh! I need to see the new Star Trek movie! Here’s my Sunday Post!

  11. I love Star Trek and looking forward to the movie. I wanted to go this weekend, but thought it might be too crowded on its opening weekend. We may go during the week.

    I want to watch the new TV show, but we don't have CBS Access so I'm not sure if we'll get to see it but I think the pilot is supposed to be aired on regular CBS. I can at least see that and decide if I should subscribe to Access or not.

    Have a great week.

  12. I'm curious about the new Star Trek series. J and Paul are off watching the new movie now so I'll be curious to see what they think of that. The cleaning up game sounds really fun! I'm always amazed the kinds of things kids will do in game form where if you told them they were cleaning up they'd lose their minds! Chicka Chicka Boom Boom! I could read that book in my sleep! Have a fantastic week!

  13. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom! Now THERE's one I need to get for my daughter! I now have TWO copies of Brown Bear, Brown Bear, but I haven't seen Chicka Chicka Boom Boom in forever!

  14. I'm a little behind in my movie watching, having only just seen Ghostbusters (which I loved). Star Trek is next on my list. I had no idea there was a new Star Trek series in the works! Have a wonderful week.

  15. So glad the sub was a lot of fun for you and the kids. :) Sounds like you had a great week. Hope this week is as good. And enjoy those books!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!