Sunday, July 17, 2016

Sunday Book Share #179

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by Caffeinated Book ReviewerStacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. It's a chance to share the print and digital books we've received and posts and events on the blog.

It was hot and muggy last week, though it did dry out towards the end of the week. As hot as it was, I had little motivation to do anything except go home after work to my air conditioned apartment. A friend and I ran errands and went shopping yesterday afternoon and there were a lot of people out and about, no doubt taking advantage of the air conditioning in the stores. It was a fun afternoon and we got a lot done. Today I need to write reviews and I may play around with making some bath salts. Even with the A/C it's too hot to be cooking up soaps.

The Week In Review:

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog:  I have no clue what this phrase has to do with my blog :D - "the chastity club" device I got nothing.

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page or Amazon page

It was a hella good week for freebies. :D :D

Kindle Unlimited


This is the July selection. You can still download it and participate in this month's book discussion.

Freebies from

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. It was muggy here too- especially early in the week. Too hot to even be out. The Three Body Problem looks interesting (didn't that win an award or something?) and so does Ice Scream. Not sure what it's about but I'll go check it out. :)

    1. Definitely too hot and muggy to be out but good reading weather. :) I wouldn't be at all surprised if The Three-Body Problem won awards.

  2. The weather here has been stuck in April most of the week, although the last couple of days have been significantly warmer with no rain. I love the cover of the The Sea Queen. I went to the book launch of Woman of the Hour by Jane Lysell and got hold of the book, which I picked up flick through - and then sat down and read. Have a great reading week, Bea.

  3. The normal summer weather here in Florida, sunny and pop up thunderstorms. I love living here. You have some delicious looking books and I hope you enjoy them all.
    sherry @ fundinmental My Sunday Memes

    1. I don't think I'd like Florida weather. :D
      Have a good week!

  4. The weather is just so hot, I am avoiding outdoors until it cools off more, unless we are at the pool, then I can deal with the heat. :)

    Have a great week, Bea! Happy Reading!

    1. Sigh, lucky you to have a pool! Enjoy and happy reading!

  5. Great book haul. It’s been really hot here, too. I hate it and don’t want to do anything except sit in the air conditioning and read.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  6. I picked up The Three-Body Problem this week, too. And reviewed The Invisible Library, too!

    We had hot muggy weather, too, Bea. We were out and about some, but mostly in government buildings though they had trouble keeping the a/c cool enough for the number of people coming, waiting and going. Not much time outside gardening!

    Hope you have a great week, Bea.

    1. I need to check out your review of The Invisible Library. I feel for the people in the government buildings, that couldn't have been fun.

      Have a great week!

  7. Looks like a great week. I sometimes wish we had the muggy heat because it's so dry and dusty with the drought in Northern California. I've been trying to do all my cooking/baking in the am before it get's to hot. I hope you have a great week and enjoy your new books.

    1. Yeah, we're in much better shape than you all weather-wise. :( That's a good idea to cook early in the day before it gets so hot. Have a good week!

  8. Enjoy your books! The Bluebonnet Betrayal piqued my interest....and all of the books have tempting covers.

    Thanks for sharing, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. Those covers are tempting, aren't they? :D Happy reading and have a good week!

  9. I can understand not wanting to do much of anything when it is muggy out -- it is so hard to get motivated! I hope you have a nice upcoming week and that it cools down.

  10. It's been muggy here too. You go outside and feel like you're breathing underwater! We've had rain this weekend so that's helped some. You got some great books this week! Hope you enjoy :)
    Here's my Sunday Post.

    1. Seems like lots of the US is hot and muggy right now.:(

  11. I'm on a blogger/reading slump so I'm doing lazy posts and moseying around the sphere lately.

    Have a great week ahead, Bea!

    1. I just came out of a slump. Enjoy your moseying and have a great week!

  12. It's awful here too and no part of me wants to cook or really too eat. My hair is just ridiculous with the humidity. Thank goodness for hair bands! Love your books! I've read bits and pieces of the Marty Wingate series and really enjoy it.

    1. Lukily, my hair doesn't too frizzy from the humidity. Wingate has several different series and she gets gorgeous covers. They suck me right in.

  13. You have some great freebies you picked up here.

  14. It's hot and muggy here too. I love my a/c :) I have the Crepes of Wrath for a blog tour. It looks like a good one.

    Have a great week!

    1. I was tempted by that tour so I'm happy to have the book. Stay cool and have a great week!

  15. I haven't read a Coulter book in some time. Need to get back to her. Been very hot and muggy here also. Strange year as the weather patterns are screwed up. Great books this week. Falling for a bunch of those covers. LOL

    My Sunday Post

    1. I enjoy Coulter's FBI series. There a lot of good covers this week though Couler's book isn't one of them, lol. Have a good week!

  16. It's been really hot here too..ugh. This week is going to be really hot..sighs. You got a lot of great looking books I hope you enjoy them all!

    Week in Review

  17. Great week you had! It was quite muggy where we are too, but luckily we have a nice air conditioner to cool things off! Here’s my Sunday Post!

  18. To quote Cole Porter, "It's too darn hot!" And definitely too muggy. I am wishing for the nice low 70s we had earlier in the year, and looking forward to my trip out West, where even if it's hot, at least it's dry.

    I'm tempted to sign up for InstaFreebie but I'm already awash in free and bargain books, with no time to read them all! Still, it looks like you found some good ones this week. Enjoy!

  19. Ugh. I don't think anyone's getting away from the heat this time of year. :) Hope you find a way to stay cool! Have a great week!


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