Sunday, July 10, 2016

Sunday Book Share #178

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by Caffeinated Book ReviewerStacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. It's a chance to share the print and digital books we've received and posts and events on the blog.

It was a quiet week, not much happened. Well, except for the day that my toilet overflowed 2 minutes before I needed to leave for work and then, not even 15 minutes into that same work day, a child peed on me. I had no clothes to change into so I washed with soap and water and changed clothes as soon as I got home. Much chocolate was consumed. :D Otherwise, it was a quiet week, lol.

We had some 90+ degree days and I was grateful to have air conditioning at both home and work. Happily, the heat lasted only 2 days then dropped back to the 80s. At least the heat was a good excuse to curl up on the couch with the cats and a book. :)

How was your week?

The Week In Review:

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog: "coffee addict meme", "how to catch a cat", "erotic novel excerpts by lora leigh", and "what is jd robb newest book"

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page


Library - Kindle and print

Kindle Unlimited

Review Consideration

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. Ack that sounds like a fun day... not! We haven't gotten that hot yet but it's been close to 90 a few times. But yeah I've had the air on...

    Nobody Likes a Goblin looks fun. :)

    1. "Nobody Likes a Goblin" was cute.

      I hope you stay cool!

  2. Sounds like the toilet was warning you of things to come! Been really hot here too. I'm thankful for my pool. Great books this week. I'm a huge fan of Heather's books.

    My Sunday Post

    1. Heh, yeah the toilet should have been a warning to me. I like Heather's Krewe books.

  3. Ugh...that wasn't a very pleasant morning! Great new books...I need to check out Heather Graham one of these days!

    1. No. it wasn't. :( But the rest of the week was good. I think you'd like Heather Graham.

  4. Nobody Likes a Goblin looks so cute! Glad you had a good week despite everything, Bea :-) hugs x

    1. It is cute, I liked it. Hope your weather has cooled off!

  5. Oh no sorry you were peed on. That sucks! Everyone in my house has at least peed on me once. It's not fun! :)

    It was very hot here also, I hate the heat, I honestly can't wait for fall.

    Have a great week, Bea! Happy Reading! ox

    1. Getting peed on (and pooped on and puked on) is part of my job. But it's not fun. :( I'm not a fan of the heat either.

      Have a great week!

  6. Great haul! Hope you enjoy your books.

    Diane @ Diane’s Book Blog

  7. What a day! Why do things like the toilet overflowing always happen at the worst possible time? Of course is there really a good time for that? Definitely sounds like time for chocolate! The Heather Grahams look so pretty! I've only read the first one in this new grouping but I'm looking forward to the others. Have a great week!

    1. Yeah, I"m not sure there is a good time, lol. I'm behind on Heather's books but I'll catch up on some of them. This grouping does look good. Have a good week!

  8. OMG! Overflowing toilets and peeing kids. Sounds like something that might have happened to me, when I was rushing in the mornings, and working with kids in the daytime.

    I have had kids vomiting in my car, back in the day.

    90s is a cooling trend for us...LOL.

    I loved Secret Sisters...and I need to read Heather Graham at some point.

    I hope this week is better for you...enjoy your books, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. I thought of you when I was writing about my temps, lol. I prefer mine to yours. : D

      I'm looking forward to Secret Sisters and you might like Heather Graham if you don't mind some paranormal mixed into the story.

      I've dealt with kids puking in their beds but so far, nothing in the car. Fortunately!

      Have a good week!

  9. After a day like that, I'd be hitting the chocolate, too! And ooh, you got the newest Heather Graham! I've requested it, but I'm still waiting to hear from NetGalley. Secret Sisters was good; I hope you enjoy it. Say hello to Claude and Goof for me, and have a great week!

  10. You got some wonderful books this week. I hope you love all of your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  11. My cat peed one my once.... I thought that was bad, but I guess a child peeing on you might be even worse. Shame!! At least you've had chocolates and a few nice books to read. Hope you will have a pee-free week. Here's my Sunday Post!

    1. I actually haven't had a cat pee on my yet. I probably just jinxed myself. :D

      Thank for visiting!

  12. Sounds like you had both a quiet and not so quiet week. Yuck on the toilet problem and child peeing on you. Sometimes quiet is best :)

    I really, really want to start the Marie Force series. It sounds so good.

    Hope this week is a good one for you!

    1. Quiet is very good. :) I think you'd like the Marie Force series. Have a good week!

  13. Last week was a scorcher here too! I love summer, but the heat + humidity here is insane. :/ I don't recognize any of your haul, which surprises me. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a fabulous week. :)

    Check out my STS post!

    1. Humidity makes the heat so much worse, I feel. My haul is a mix of mainstream, indie and self-pubbed.

      Have a good week!

  14. Oh toilet disasters are the worse and then to be peed on, bleck. You got some great books to read though so that is good. :) Have a great week and happy reading!

    Week in Review

    1. Yeah, it was a disastrous morning but the day did improve. Have a good week and happy reading!

  15. Oh sorry about your toilet issues, though I did (perhaps) laugh a little at the idea of being peed on!

    I've been keen to read Secret Sisters, so keen to hear what you think!

    1. Heh, sometimes all you can do is laugh. :D

      I like Krentz so I'm optimistic about liking the story. I may write a review of it.

  16. Thanks Ashley! Have a good week!

  17. I shouldn't laugh, but .... :D Sometimes it's just one of those weeks. Ahh, Heather Graham, I need to read more of her books.

    1. Go ahead and laugh, I did. It was that or cry. :P

  18. Ahh, fun times being peed on. xD JUST KIDDING. Eeek, that's the worse. I babysit my nephew/nieces a lot so I totally have been peed and puked on. -_- Good times. (Not.)
    Yay for some grand looking reads! I HOPE THEY ARE GLORIOUS FOR YOU, BEA. I just downloaded a kindle freebie of Queen of Someday and I'm pretty excited about it because I believe it's about Russia. HUZZAH. :D
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

    1. Oh yea, good times. smh Little monsters. :D Enjoy your new book!

  19. Sounds like that one day was centered around the bathroom. ;D LOL. Glad the week was good to you otherwise. :) Hope this week goes well for you too.

  20. Whew what a day! Glad the rest of the week was quieter for ya. :)


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