Sunday, July 3, 2016

Sunday Book Share #177 Happy Independence Day!

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by Caffeinated Book ReviewerStacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. It's a chance to share the print and digital books we've received and posts and events on the blog.
It's a holiday weekend here in the US; we're celebrating our Independence Day. Some years I go watch fireworks but this year I'll probably stay home, maybe watch some on TV. Some neighbors and I will grill out in the condo's common area outside and enjoy the weather. It was hot and humid at the beginning of the week but it's drier now and more pleasant. We've been doing water play on the playground at school and the kids love it. They're utterly drenched when we head inside. :) I got a sunburn on my arms from driving around with my car's sunroof open. I guess I need to put sunscreen on when I drive, lol.

The Past 2 Weeks In Review:

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog:  "cat dot", "thursday cat", "erotic novel excerpts", and "naughty book excerpts"

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page

Purchased - Kindle

Library - Print


Review Consideration

Kindle Freebies

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last 2 weeks? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. Happy 4th! Grilling out sounds good... enjoy! It cooled off here this week too a bit, nice for a change. And the neighbors have been providing a free fireworks show for the last 2 nights lol.

    I'll have to check your Bookish Things post, missed that one.

    1. Happy 4th to you too! How thoughtful of your neighbors. :P

      Enjoy the weekend!

  2. Grilling sounds like a fun way to celebrate. I don't have any big fireworks plans either. I'll probably just watch some from my window or something. There are bound to be some illegal fireworks nearby. There always is lol.

    And goodness, yes, the sun is crazy. I think I need sunscreen just to walk to my car when I run errands! I'm going to end up with a farmer's tan!

    Have a great week :-)

    1. Yes, there's always someone with fireworks. :D I've heard a few in my neighborhood. And the sun, how crazy is that? lol

  3. Happy 4th! Having a grill in a communal area sounds like a lot of fun.
    Water play sounds fun too, the kids must be delighted! I can nearly hear the screams :D

  4. Happy 4th July Bea. Am keen to see what you think of The Liar by Nora Roberts. I mostly enjoy her work if she doesn't err to strongly on the romance side of the scale!

    1. This had a lot of romance so you might not care for it. I liked it, thought it was a good mix of romance, mystery, and women's fiction.

  5. Enjoy the long weekend and have fun grilling. I probably won't do anything on the fourth. You got some great books for review and I hope you like them all.

    Happy reading,
    Week in Review

  6. I loved The Liar...and the cover on Rebecca is gorgeous!

    I am curious about Family Tree. Enjoy your books and the holiday weekend. Here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. I actually don't like the cover of Rebecca but that edition was on sale for a very good price. LOL

      Happy 4th!

  7. I loved Rebecca, read it twice and saw an old movie on tv. I really want to read Family Tree by Susan Wiggs, an author I enjoy occasionally. And Nora Roberts, always a good read.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Bea!

    1. Thanks Rita, you too!

      I've never read Rebecca nor seen the movie, so I snatched it up on sale. Family Tree looks good; I don't think I've read Wiggs before.

  8. The summer camp that the Tornado is going to does water fun one day a week and he is loving it! It's nice for them to get a lot of time outside to run around without being so miserably hot. That's funny about your arms. I knew someone who had one really brown arm and one really pale arm because he used to drive with his windows open and kept his left arm on the edge of the window. You got some fantastic books! I really want the Susan Wiggs and the Jill Shalvis and I really enjoyed the Nora Roberts. Have a great week!

    1. Only 1 day of water play? :( It is nice to play outside without being miserably hot. My left arm usually is tanner than my left due to driving with the window open but now I have the sunroof to even them out. :D I did get some good books. :)

      Have a great week!

  9. I got four books this week, but my favorite one is The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend. I read it in January as an e-ARC from Netgalley and I loved it.

    1. I've heard good things about that one; it's on my wish list. :)

  10. All those books look so good. I'm hoping to try the Marie Force series soon. I have a couple on my Kindle.

    Have a great week!

  11. Happy 4th! Hope you have a relaxing doesn't always have to be about the fireworks!

  12. Happy 4th to you! We are staying home this year after going to the morning parade and I couldn't be happier. Great haul. I really enjoyed Sweet Little Lies and hope you do as well.

    1. Happy 4th! It's nice to stay home sometimes. Have a great week!

  13. I once got sunburned on one of my arms because I had the window down as we drove and no sunscreen. You wouldn't think it possible to get sunburned in the car, but it is, isn't it?

    Sounds like you have a nice Fourth of July planned.

    Rebecca is on my to read list. I hope you enjoy it! One of your library books is in my TBR poll for this month. That's too funny. :-)

    I hope you have a great week! Happy Fourth of July!

    1. I know! Who thinks to put sunscreen on to drive? smh :D

      Happy reading and happy 4 of July!

  14. Thanks, happy 4th to you too!


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