Sunday, June 19, 2016

Sunday Book Share #176

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by Caffeinated Book ReviewerStacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. It's a chance to share the print and digital books we've received and posts and events on the blog.

Wow, it's been six months since my last Sunday Post. Life has been kicking my butt with work keeping me busy, and with health, family, financial, and car troubles. Things are still not calm but they're calmer. Additionally, with my work schedule, I just couldn't maintain the blogging schedule that I had. Blogging wasn't fun anymore, but a chore. So, I cut way back, took an extended break. Jax, Steph, and I have all had a lot going on and the blog took a backseat to real life.

I'm slowly easing back into blogging but it will still be erratic. Who knows when the next Sunday Post will be? It won't be every week. I've given up doing memes every week. Instead I'll do them as I have the time and interest. Reviews and other posts will go up as time allows. My backlog of review copies is just pitiful. They built up over the past six months. When I had the time and energy to read, I was more likely to grab a book from my personal TBR pile than the review TBR pile. I may or may not write and post reviews for some of those. We'll see. Right now, I need to keep the schedule fluid and loose. That's meant among other things cutting back on tours, though not quitting them. I am being choosier about what I sign up for. 

I'm not going to cover six months of posts and books acquired, few though they've been. I'll share the past week and a few highlights of the past six months.

ETA: You all are wonderful, such sweet comments. I admit, I wondered what kind of reception I'd get, if anyone would stop by or post. WOW, did you all blow me away with your kind words and welcome back. Thanks! <3

Maybe the best thing that's happened lately is that Jax and I FINALLY met!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep, after knowing each other for almost ten years, we finally met in real life. We originally met at Kelley Armstrong's now defunct message board. Another friend from the board was visiting the Boston MA area where I live so Jax flew in for a long weekend (she went to college in Boston and has other friends in the area). 

That's Jax and I in the middle (I'm the redhead); the other two are friends from Kelley's. The guy is author CC Adams while the woman on the far right is Hunter (her board name). We had dinner at Legal Seafood in Boston. It was a fantastic weekend and it was so awesome to finally meet Laura. She even spent a night at my condo with the cats and I. <3 <3  

The other good thing that happened is that I have a new car. The Corolla died one winter morning on my way to work. Happily, the only damage was to some branches on a bush when I drove off the road and onto a sidewalk (the brakes went and I couldn't stop the car). It took time to find a new car and the final purchase was not what I was looking for but I love it. 

My new baby - a 2006 X3 SUV, with 100,00 miles and in great condition. It has a sunroof which I LOVE!!!!

Don't worry, that's not my car's actual license plate. I've since put on the actual plates

And now, the Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog: Nothing too interesting. All of them were variations on my blog name or new releases for Nora Roberts/JD Robb.

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page



Review Consideration

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you, time willing, during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. Wow, welcome back!!! I completely understand having a break when blogging becomes a chore. I had an entire month off at Christmas and have been taking it easy recently with other commitments.

    Love the new car and how exciting to have caught up with someone IRL, that you met online!

    1. Thanks Deborah! It was exciting to finally meet Jax, after being friends for so long. it was a great weekend.

  2. Hello again! We all get busy and it's always surprising that everyone is there waiting, isn't it:) Awesome new ride. I hope you didn't get injured when the brakes went out. How scary. Nice haul of books this week.

    My Sunday Post

    1. Hello again to you :) It's nice to see who hasn't abandoned me, though I certainly the ones who did. It's nice to be back.

      I wasn't injured when the brakes went, luckily. It could easily have been a major accident so I was quite fortunate.

  3. How cool that you guys got to meet! Looks like a fun get together. And congrats on the new car- looks nice!

  4. I've been wondering what happened to you, Bea! It was the same for me. I took a blog break and now I post memes when I feel like it. I don't accept many reviews anymore and, although I still do blog tours, it's not as often as I used to. Like you, some of the older review requests probably won't get done. I never thought blogging would take up so much time.

    Anyway, congrats on the new car! Looks beautiful!

    Have a great week!

    1. I got your email, keep meaning to respond. *hangs head* I may have to forget about most of the backlog but there are some I want to do.

      I love my new car, so awesome. <3

  5. Welcome back! Even though I don't feel like you were gone since we chat on Facebook :) Glad things are settling down for you. It's been so crazy! Don't try to catch up just move forward, it's easier :) Looking forward to see you around the blogosphere again. Love the new car!

    Have a great week, Bea! Happy Reading! ox

    1. Yeah, in some ways it doesn't feel like I was gone. I think you and Yvonne are right about moving forward, though that'll be a challenge as I feel guilty about the books I didn't get to.

      Happy reading to you too!

  6. Bea! I'm so glad to see you! I know that the last time you posted it was about the job so I did assume you had just gotten busy. It's so great to hear from you! I love the new car. Sounds like you've had a good break if a busy one and I'm glad to hear you'll be around more. I've missed you!

    1. Thanks Katherine! I've missed you too and I'm happy to be back. :)

  7. Good to see you posting again, Bea. I was gone for about a month while I moved and had my pc infected with a worm virus. All's going better now.

    I like your new car-- very classy looking. And what fun to meet folks you've only talked to online but share a common interest.

    I hope things go more smoothly for you as we move forward. Take care!

    1. Oy, you've had a lot going on.I hope the move went smoothly and all is well now. The car is classy looking, so not me. :D

      You take care too!

  8. Welcome back! I completely understand, I'm making my slow return for a lot of the same reasons. I'm actually more than 6 months behind on reviews, so I'm deciding to do a new feature where I pretty much list books and give my rating. Two sentence reviews at most. Because there's no way I'm reviewing months of books! Love the new car - I'm so glad you're okay! The breaks going out must have been super scary! I hope things are going better :) welcome back!

    1. I like that idea for reviews. I might do a series of my Twitter reviews to help me catch up. The ones I haven't read yet, well, maybe some day. :) It's nice to be back, thanks.

  9. Hola! It's nice to see you back. Sometimes we just need to put something on the back burner while we figure other things out.

    I like the new car. Hopefully things we good for you for a while.

    I need to to try Paige Tayler. I read one of her books, it didn't hit it with me, but I always try to give a series a two/three book try. I just haven't found the time to continue. Others books keep popping up on my radar.

    Angela @ Angel's Guilty Pleasures

    1. I usually will try two books by an author, not necessarily in the same series as I might like one more than another.

  10. You're back! I've misssssssed your Sunday posts! *hugs* I totally agree with needing breaks though. I took more breaks before I decided to change my schedule to every other day and cut waaaaay back on tours. I still have a ton of review books, but decided I'll get to them when I get to them. I try to intersperse some personal books amongst them and that seems to be working as well. I don't feel so cranky anymore. :)

    Love the car! vrooom vrooom!

    I hope you have a fantastic week, Bea! xoxo

    1. Much vroom vroom! I love that car, it's fun. I'm planning in interspersing more personal books with the review books. I used to and got it away from it. I need to get back.

  11. Welcome back Bea! I took some breaks myself during that time. Sometimes life just gets in the way and it's easier to put the blog aside until your heart is back in it. Happy to see you here again though :D Yay on meeting your friend, that sounds like so much fun!

    1. Thanks Trish. :) Meeting Jax, my co-blogger, was awesome and so much fun. And yes, we all need breaks from time to time. :)


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