Friday, June 17, 2016

Bea Reviews The Long Night by Jessica Scott

Bea's Book Nook, Review, The Long Night, Jessica Scott
Publisher:  Jessica Scott 
Source: the author in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: May 16, 2016
Buying Links: Amazon* | Kobo | Jessica Scott | iTunes* | Barnes & Noble
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

Whatever it takes, just come home to me. Promise me, Sam.

In eight months, Staff Sergeant Sam Brown will become a father. But first, he has to survive his fourth tour in Iraq. On his last night home, he tries to pretend that everything is fine, that the war is fine, that his life is fine.

But as he returns to the war zone, things are anything but fine and the promise he made to his fiancé takes on a desperate edge. As things spiral down, Sam starts to wonder about that promise.

How high is the price he will pay when the long night comes to an end?

Bea's Thoughts:

It's no secret that I love Scott's military romances. I've been a fan for years. When I heard about this book, which is not a romance but a psychological suspense, I was anxious to read it. Suspense novels are a favorite of mine and I was excited to see what Scott could do.

First, let me repeat myself: This is not a romance. Nope. Definitely not.

Should you read "The Long Night"? Oh yeah.

"The Long Night" is intense, gritty, disturbing, and horrifying. Scott examines the emotional and psychological effects that war can have on a person; the decisions they make, the events that happen, and the things they do. Sam Brown is a good man, flawed but good. He doubts that goodness, mainly sees his flaws. He wants to be home with his fiancee and unborn child but also wants to be back at war. The war has a routine that he's gotten used to and even needs. But when he's there, he wants to be home. More than anything, he wants to keep his men safe and get safely home to his family. What will he do to make those happen? When does the price become too high?

"The Long Night" kept me reading, needing to know what was real and what wasn't, and what would happen. Scott kept me guessing; I just couldn't predict the story. The war is alive and real in "The Long Night" and both it and Sam's story will stay with you long after you finish the book.


  1. This sounds like something I'd like. I read one of Jessica Scott's books and loved it. I'm sure I'd love this one too.

    1. It's much darker than her other books but very good.

  2. I was a little confused reading the blurb because I was thinking "I thought Scott was a romance author." So I had to laugh when I saw you had pointed that out too. This sounds really good though like a very tense read.

    1. Yeah, that's why I emphasized the book's lack of romance since that's what she is best known for.

      It is a tense read, not quick or light at all. But worth it.


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