Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday: Pacific Burn by Barry Lancet

Waiting on Wednesday, Pacific Burn, Barry Lancet, thriller
Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine where bloggers have the chance to spotlight upcoming releases they're anticipating.
I found this author last year and I'm looking forward to the next book, which releases in March 2016.

In the third book in “what will likely be a long and successful series” (San Francisco Magazine), Japanese antiques dealer and PI Jim Brodie goes up against the CIA, FBI, Department of Homeland Security—and a killer operating on both sides of the Pacific.

In recognition for his role in solving the Japantown murders in San Francisco, antiques dealer and sometime-PI Jim Brodie has just been brought on as the liaison for the mayor’s new Pacific Rim Friendship Program. Brodie in turn recruits his friend, the renowned Japanese artist Ken Nobuki, and after a promising meeting with city officials and a picture-perfect photo op, Brodie and Nobuki leave City Hall for a waiting limo.

But as soon as they exit the building, a sniper attacks them from the roof of the Asian Art Museum. Quick thinking allows Brodie to escape, but Nobuki ends up hospitalized and in a coma. Brodie soon realizes that, with the suspicious and untimely death of Nobuki’s oldest son a week earlier in Napa Valley, someone may be targeting his friend’s family—and killing them off one by one.

Suspects are nearly too numerous to name—and could be in the United States or anywhere along the Pacific Rim. The quest for answers takes Brodie from his beloved San Francisco to Washington, DC, in a confrontation with the DHS, the CIA, and the FBI; then on to Tokyo, Kyoto, and beyond, in search of what his Japanese sources tell him is a legendary killer in both senses of the word—said to be more rumor than real, but deadlier than anything else they’ve ever encountered if the whispers are true.

Tell me, what book are you looking forward to?


  1. wow....this sounds like a great book to read!!!

  2. The SF setting and the art world, combined with the thriller genre...this one definitely caught my eye. Thanks for sharing...and enjoy.

    Here's mine: “SHE’S NOT THERE”

  3. Great pick, hope that you get a chance to read and enjoy soon!

  4. This sounds good and I enjoy Steve Berry's books which makes me even more interested it since he gave a quote. This sounds like a good book to add in after all those super sweet Christmas romances I'm reading right now.

    1. If it's like book two, it'll be intense and action-packed; definitely an antidote to super sweet Christmas romances.


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