Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Best Books I Read In 2015


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly discussion feature and meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. I don't participate often, just when I have the time and the question interests me.

This week's topic is Top Ten Best Books I Read In 2015 (you can do it by only 2015 releases,  overall , by genre [top ten fantasy books I read in 2015], etc. however you choose to make your BEST list). I went with the top 10 best books I read all year.

A Red-Rose Chain by Seanan Mcguire

Tight plotting, witty banter, strong characterization, "A Red-Rose Chain" was just about perfect and I love this series. 

Silver On the Road by Laura Anne Gilman

Alternative history, a fresh take hero's journey, a story of growth and choices, a coming of age story filled with poetic language, adventure, a different take on the devil. It was entertaining, fascinating, and a wonderful story.

Led Astray by Kelley Armstrong

This anthology really showcases Armstrong's strengths and her diversity plus I enjoyed the stories from her established series that gave us new perspectives from secondary and new characters as well as brand new stand-alones.

NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and The Future of Neurodiversity by Steve Silberman

Full of fascinating information, history, and theories; exhaustive detail; a good introduction to what autism is and is not and to changing our thinking about what is normal and what is different.

 Deceptions by Kelley Armstrong

Twisty, fast-paced, and layered; there's mystery, action, romance, mythology, humor, family drama, and family love.

Gaming the System by Laura K. Curtis

Fun, fresh with a good mix of humor, family drama, and sexy times; a sweet romance that delivered delightful characters, some serious themes wrapped in a layer of romance and redemption, and let's not forget the hot sex scenes.

Top Dog: The Story of Marine Hero Lucca by Maria Goodavage

A little too rah-rah, it was still a wonderful story of a dog her and humans and the work they do.

Parenting in the Age of Attention Snatchers: A Step-by-Step Guide to Balancing Your Child's Use of Technology by Lucy Jo Palladino

An excellent resource for parents and teachers, it's clearly written and easily usable. It's respectful of the children as well as the adults.

Crash & Burn by Lisa Gardner

I freaking loved this book; amazing, awesome, wonderful. I was fascinated and captivated from the start, and never lost interest; it was engrossing and utterly enthralling.

 Aden by D.B.Reynolds

I enjoy this PNR series and this entry had treachery, hot sex (lots of it) with some light BDSM, vampire politics, and romance. I particularly enjoyed the politics and machinations as well as the flashbacks to Aden's life as a human.


  1. I've been thinking about trying McGuire and I remember your review of Neurotribes, and thinking at the time that would be a good read. Nice list, I see a few here I might have to track down. Happy Tuesday!

    1. Ooo, I like when I whet a reader's appetite for a book! I hope you enjoy the books.

  2. I love Kelley Armstrong and Cainsville is such a great series. I just picked up Silver on the Road a few weeks ago. I look forward to reading it.

    1. I hope you like Silver on the Road; it's a good mix of creativity and familiarity.

  3. Parenting in the Age........... I'm sold, thanks for this recommendation. My daughter is 8 and this has just became an issue to balance.

    1. It's an issue for many parents these days.

  4. Thank you so very much. I never thought I would be on a list with these authors. *blush* That said, Crash and Burn is on my "catch up on this series" TBR pile. This just moved it up the pile.

    1. Crash & Burn was amazing! But it's basically a stand-alone; you don't need the preceding books.

      You're a good writer and getting better. I really enjoyed Gaming the System. You took some standard tropes and themes and made them fresh.

  5. Seanan McGuire, I once bought one book by her by accident, lol ! I picked a few on your list and added them to mine ^^

    1. A head's up, Seanan's books are generally best read in order.

      Which books on the list did you add?

  6. Good choices. Aden is my favorite in the Vampires in America series. Not familiar with some of the others that will now be added to my TBR stack. The parenting book looks good as I have a 7 y/o granddaughter who is addicted to Minecraft on YouTube.

    1. The parenting book is definitely worth checking out; it's terribly relevant.

  7. Great list! Crash & Burn has been on my list to read for awhile.

    1. It's a really good book Yvonne, you'll like it.

  8. Thanks to you I have Deceptions and I'm definitely tackling that series in January. I'm really excited to give her a try. While most of your titles are familiar to me I don't think I've read any of them. My TBR pile is crying!

    1. LOL Sorry, not sorry. :D I hope you like Kelley's series.

  9. Oh, I had missed your review of the book on autism and neurodiversity -- I'll be over to check it out. (runs off and reads review) Yup, I should read that.

    I'm also interested in the Seanan McGuire series and in the Laura Ann Gilman book (love the cover on that one!) Good list!

    1. The autism book was very good, well worth the time it takes to read it. I think you'd like the McGuire series and Gilman's book. They're right up your alley.

    2. Well, I'll try to get to at least one of those next year!

  10. How freakin` awesome that my favourite author made this list. ADEN was a fantastic book and a great addition to D.B. Reynolds Vampires in America series! Loved it!!

    1. Aden was an excellent addition to the series. Reynolds is talented. :)

  11. I'm so far behind on Kelley Armstrong. I feel like a horrible fan. She is one of my favorite authors and I haven't read either book that is on your list. She had another anthology that came out this year that I haven't read either. *hangs head in shame*

    1. I read that anthology also. It almost made the list. She's a prolific author and keeping up with her releases has become a challenge.

  12. I just loved Aden too!!! This whole series by D.B. Reynolds has been so exciting to read. I love the politics too and the author does great at making each book easy to catch on to if you are reading it as a stand alone. Gaming The System is already on my watch list though. I am looking forward to that one.

    1. I enjoy the Vampires in America books; the machinations are amazing and the vamps are not cute and cuddly. I hope you like Gaming the System!

  13. Oh Top Dog looks good. I bet my mom would love that one.

    1. It was interesting and also informative. Lucca is an interesting dog.


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