Sunday, November 8, 2015

Sunday Book Share #166 Sunday Book Share #166, Bought Borrowed & Tagged, meme, Bea's Book Nook

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by Caffeinated Book ReviewerStacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. It's a chance to share the print and digital books we've received and posts and events on the blog.

The weather was unseasonably warm, hitting the low 70s. While it was nice to have the warmer temps, my allergies were acting up and I had a sinus headache most of the week. Thursday was my father's birthday, the first since he died; he was on my mind all day.

I fell asleep on the couch almost every night last week. I'm still adjusting to my new work schedule; the blog schedule may go kablooey while adjust. :D 

The Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog: "cat on kitchen counter meme", "how to cat", and "erotic excerpts from books involving threesomes"

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page

It was the week for books; I had a downright deluge of books, lol. Just when I was making progress on the TBR pile, sigh. Today I have a pile of books to pick up at the library, increasing my pile even more.


This was a gift from one of the members in Pamela's FB group. :) 

Avon Addicts

Books, a really nice tote bag, candy and bookmarks; lots of fun stuff. I'll do a giveaway for several copies of "Broken" by Cynthia Eden and the copy of "A Ghostly Murder" by Tonya Kappes so keep an eye out for that.

A Ghostly Murder by Tonya Kappes
Broken by Cynthia Eden
Forbidden by Beverly Jenkins
Lady Bridget's Diary by Maya Rodale
The Match of the Century by Cathy Maxwell
My American Duchess by Eloisa James


Only 99 cents for 7 books, how could I resist? Two of the authors, Charles de Lint and Krista D. Ball, are faves of mine, and one book, MUCH ADO ABOUT MACBETH by Randy McCharles, I've had my eye on for a while.


I squealed when "Chimera" showed up in my mailbox. Grant is a top-notch writer and this series is wonderful.

Steph, Jax, and I are doing a group review of "Blood In Her Veins" in January, along with a giveaway.

Review Consideration

Kindle Freebies

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. We had 70's here too, and sun- it was nice! Not like November at all! That was the last hurrah though I'm sure... it was 20 degrees cooler than that today. You did get a ton of books.

    1. It was about 20 degrees today here too. I've hardly had the heat on this fall so I'm happy. :)

  2. The Avon box is awesome, I loved getting those. Adjusting schedules is hard, and I do hope your allergies are alleviated soon. Enjoy your haul and have a restful Sunday!

    1. I think the allergies are partly due to being tired. Hopefully they'll settle down as I adjust. The Avon boxes are awesome; I'm enjoying them.

  3. Ugh, yeah, allergies and sickness are running rampant here. Hope you feel better. Oooo look at all those books. What a package!

    1. Thanks Christy, and yes, what a package! :)

  4. Sorry to hear about your sinus trouble and of course being reminded of your dad's passing. I remember the year of 'firsts' after my dad passed away (first birthday / Father's Day / Christmas etc without him).

    Sounds like you took care of yourself which is all you can do at times like that. xxx

    1. Yeah, the 'firsts' are hard; the holidays will be a challenge. My sinuses should clear up soon; I hope so anyway!

  5. "how to cat" LOL!
    Hate those days when you are so tired that you just snooze off as sit as you hit the couch. Hope you adjust to your new routine soon and I hope the job is going well too.
    The first birthday must have been really hard :(

    1. Thanks Trish. Yes, the 'firsts' are hard but, just as with the new job, eventually I'll adjust.

  6. I so wish I could be an Avon Addict... unfortunately, they don't ship overseas :(
    Your new books look great, and I was strangely attracted to Divine Grace and added it to my maybe list on Goodreads ;)
    Have a fantastic week ahead and happy reading, Bea!
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. I wish there were good options for overseas people. I hope you like Divine Grace; I've read two books by the author and enjoyed them.

      Have a good week!

  7. We had a few nice days this week to but now back to cold. :( Enjoy all those new books you got! :)

    Week in Review

    1. The temperature dropped back down and it's chilly again. Good for wrapping up in a blanket and reading. :D

  8. Looks like some great books that you have added to your shelves. Love avon addicts....and look at all that book loot!!! I am really excited to read Beverly Jenkins and Cynthia Eden!!!

    1. It was a great haul from Avon Addicts, I;m enjoying it.

  9. Awesome stack of books this week. I hope you love all of your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  10. Yeah we got some weather in love 70s here too last week, like 3 days o.0 and my allergies didn't like it either. Awesome new additions to your TBR pile! and the Avon Addicts package, oh how fun!

    1. It's a pity good weather has to mean allergies acting up. :( I did get some awesome new additions, :)

  11. *eyes bugging out*

    Your Avon Addicts swag bag!!!

  12. I LOVED Marked by Kaylea Cross! So good! And I am super jealous of your Avon Addicts swag!

    1. I've heard good things about Marked; I'm looking forward to it.

  13. Controlled Burns looks like it will be a good one. Hope you enjoy and have a great rest of the weekend and week ahead.

  14. Our daytime highs are in the 70s, which feels wonderful to me.

    When I was still working full time outside my home, I often fell asleep on the couch. I don't know that I could have blogged back then...

    Enjoy your new books...and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Yeah, blogging and working full-time is tiring. I'll need to do some juggling and come up with a new routine.

  15. I was only excited to get the new Eloisa James this week. Otherwise I mostly got series books I am behind on....
    Story of my Life!
    I used to nap all day and couldn;t sleep at night - turns out to have been some meds I was on. Now sleep all night and occasionally sleep during the day; I figure that if I am that tired I need it to stave off a virus.

    1. Meds will mess you up every time. Prednisone always screws up my sleep. A few more weeks and my body should have adapted to my new schedule.

  16. Oooh, you had such a great week for books!! I am a newbie blogger-today is my first Sunday post, and just got my first book for review, very excited about that, but you sure did add to my TBR!!

    1. I really did! Welcome to the blogging world. I hope you enjoy it.

  17. Hey! How is the new job?!?! I always got headaches from just the stress of starting a new job. Toss in this crazy weather and you couldn't win :( I hope you're feeling better now and resting today!

    Eh, screw the TBR I say!! Awesome books! I must look into this Avon addicts thingy ;)

    1. So far, so good! I do think the stress of a new job is partly behind my headaches.

      Yes, the next time Avon is taking applicants, you should apply! You'd love it.

  18. Oops. My threesome (and moresome) addiction is showing again. *eyes Divine Grace with longing*

    The weather here can't make up its mind. But at least I haven't had the A/C or heat on for weeks and weeks. My wallet is very happy! :D

    1. Sigh, you and your search phrases. :D

      I think you'd like Divine Grace but the sale is over and it's full price again. I've had the heat on a whopping three days so far this fall and I'm loving it.

  19. The weather was warm here too and my sinuses are KILLING me. Loving all the books you got!
    *hugs* to you this week! <3

    I hope you have a great week Bea! Happy Reading! ox

    1. Evil sinuses!

      You have a great week and happy reading!

  20. We had the warmer temps too but I figure it won't last very long.

    All those books look great! Enjoy!

  21. We had a mix of warm and cold weather here (I wish it would make up its mind already lol). Your Avon Addicts package is amazing! I hope you have a great week and enjoy all your new books.

    1. It was an amazing package.:)

      Have a good week!

  22. The Avon Addicts bag is awesome! I'm hoping your headache has gone away. I had one off and on all week because of our crazy weather but I'm hoping it will not decide to stick around this week! I'm sorry for your loss and I know your dad's birthday definitely made it feel a bit fresher. Hopefully you thought of lots of really nice memories of him and didn't feel too sad. Have a great week and good luck with your new schedule!

    1. The headache is mostly gone, now if would go away completely. Dad's birthday did bring up some good memories.

      Thanks Katherine and have a good week!

  23. Nice new books this week Bea, enjoy!
    It's been too long since I've visited, I hope you're well. Happy reading!

  24. Our weather has been all over the place, I just don't know what to expect anymore. But I'll take 70s! I'm sure your dad's b-day was a difficult day for you - especially with his passing being so recent - I'm so sorry for your loss. Good luck with the headache, these suckers sure know how to hang on!! Enjoy the Avon bag, looks like lots of goodies :)

  25. That looks like a great Avon Addicts bag...and I am going to read Grant soon..I promise myself!! LOL

    1. You must, you really must read Grant! She's so good.

  26. I hope your sinus headache is gone soon! And that must be hard the first birthday of your father without him around. I am so sorry for your loss!
    Good luck with adjusting to the new work schedule, it's always hard to adjust to a new schedule. Have a great week!

  27. Enjoy your warm days, you know winter is not far off. We have been getting lots of rain here in the NW, but we need it after our hot, dry summer. Glad you are enjoying your job even if it is wearing you out. I still need to read the MIra Grant and the Faith Hunter series, both are on in my TBR.

    1. Oh, you have to read Mira Grant. She's got two fantastic series. Hopefully your rain doesn't cause any flooding.

      Have a good week!

  28. There's your Avon box - Yay, it got there! I'm sorry about the sinus and allergy trouble; I hope it's clearing up. And sweetie [hugs] of course you're thinking of your dad. I hope the memories can bring you joy as well as the inevitable sadness.

    1. Thanks :) My sinuses were better today. I did have good memories of dad, it was just bittersweet.

  29. My hubby always naps on the couch, don't worry, you'll work it out!
    Seduction Game looks good. Have a great end to the week!

  30. You have some great books here, because they not just look good but they also sound amazing. Now imagine my TBR growing even more :)) I need a second life just for reading all the books I want. Can't wait to see what you think of them!

    Happy reading!

    My STS:

    1. Oh yes, a second life just for reading would be wonderful!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!