Sunday, October 11, 2015

Sunday Book Share #162

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by Caffeinated Book ReviewerStacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. It's a chance to share the print and digital books we've received and posts and events on the blog.

A quiet week here, not much going on. The weather warmed up again, hitting 70 most days, with lots of sunshine. It was perfect October weather even with the pouring rain on Friday.  It was a quiet work week, and I'm still looking for a full-time teaching job.

The Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog:  "cat and red dot", "murder one by dugoni on nook"

Blog Ahead Challenge - My goal for the challenge is 31 posts written and scheduled for November and beyond. I have 21, going to the end of January. A lot of them are memes but it's still 21 posts I don't have to think about. I have about another half dozen or so, including reviews, in drafts.

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page


From author Penny Watson, her newest book, A Taste of Heaven, a bar of soap, and lip balm.

Review - Print, Kindle & Audio

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. I think you're doing great on Blog Ahead! You've got the whole spirit of the challenge down! Who cares if you've got all memes or whatever!! It's still posts you don't have to worry about :) Congrats!!!

    I think we're getting some your heat tomorrow... We're getting up to 71 degrees!!!!! Woooooooo!!!!! Have a great week!

    1. Enjoy the heat! Today was only 59 but sunny. Thanks for the congrats; it feels good to be so far ahead. :)

  2. We're supposed to have 70's next two days, then it cools down, but they're forecasting sun all week. October has been pretty nice...

    Nice on Blog Ahead. I got some of my SciFi Month posts scheduled out so that was nice, I usually wing it so that's progress. :)

    White Trash Zombie looks like a trip! And I might have to give Trident Code a look.

    1. I often wing it too so I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself right now. Good for you with your SciFi Month posts. :)

      Let's enjoy the fall weather cuz you know what comes next. *shudders*

      The White Trash Zombie series is fun but I recommend starting from the beginning,

  3. I'll Never Let You Go is one I've been seeing around...and now I definitely want to add it to my list. We've had pretty great weather here, too.

    Have a great week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. I'll Never Let You Go is part of a series that I've been enjoying. I hope the good weather continues.

  4. Ohhh the new White Trash Zombie book! I trying to move slowly through the series, but ugh, it's hard. Send your rain this way!

    1. It's such a fun series isn't it? With a layer of depth that can be explored or ignored at the reader's preference. We need rain too but I will happily send it your way as you need it even more.

  5. Great work on Blog Ahead. 21/31 posts means you're way ahead of schedule. You'll easily meet your target.

    1. Thanks! I hope so, but even if life interferes, I'll still be in good shape.

  6. A quiet week is always good. Well done on your blog ahead thats awesome I wish I was more organized. Have a great week.

  7. That's nothing to sneeze at! Getting memes knocked out is awesome, Bea :D

    The weather has been fickle here (lots and lots...and lots of rain) but the cooler temps are fantastic :)

    1. The temps are fantastic. :) And thanks; you know how I struggle with getting posts done in a timely fashion.

  8. That's fantastic that you have 21 posts in the bag already! Go you :D

    I like the look of I'll never let you go. Looks creepy.

    1. The series if pretty creepy but it's romantic suspense, not horror, and thanks. :)

  9. GReat work on Blog ahead!!! Its always fun to get ahead on posts and then when your done, its so much easier and not as stressful.

  10. The weather here is like all over the place, Friday was HOT but today is very cold and this week we are getting into the upper 50's, I am so excited :) lol

    Good job with Blog Ahead, I have finished 4 posts so far, just can't seem to get out of my October posts. Plan to try something different this week and see if that gets me ahead.

    Have a great week Bea! Happy Reading! ox

    1. I'm still working on October posts too. Good luck with your new plan!

  11. Wow that is brilliant on Blog Ahead! I need to get my posts sorted out and filled with proper content as I just have the rough bones of them just now!

    Have a good week!

  12. Congrats on winning Penny's prize! That looks like a good book too!

    1. I am hoping to start it this week but I liked her other book that I read.

  13. 21 posts done is fantastic! And I love the lip balm and soap. I'm really curious about Mary Burton. I know I have at least one but I haven't read it. Good luck with the job search and have a great week!

    1. Aren't they cute?! I haven't used them yet, but soon. :) Let me know how you like the Burton book; I like the series.

  14. We had a nice week, too. Finally. 21 posts! Woot! I have 31 in drafts, most of them scheduled, some of them not yet. I've got to step up my game if I'm going to meet my NetGalley goal in November. Luckily I should be able to do that starting this week. Good luck with the job hunting. {{{posivibes}}}

    1. I have more in drafts but yeah, I'm making good progress. You can meet your NetGalley goal, I have no doubt! GO!! GO!! GO!!

  15. You are doing great with the blog ahead challenge. I'm not participating but I'm doing my best to be ahead on my meme posts. It is still warm here in California and I can't wait for it to cool down. I hope you have a great week and good luck with the job hunt!

    1. Yeah, I'm happy to be ahead on memes; it definitely helps. I hope you get some cool weather soon, and thanks!

  16. Hope you enjoy your new reads the Mary Burton one looks like something I would like. :)

    Week in Review

  17. I'll never let you go looks interesting. Hope you enjoy your books and have a great upcoming week.

  18. Did the soap smell good?

    Oh lawd! When am I going to get the chance to read WTZ???

    1. The soap does smell good and yes, you need to read or listen to WTZ! Do eeet!

  19. Yay for blogging ahead! They are still posts so I think you are doing good by the standards :)

  20. That is some awesome Blog Ahead schedule you're putting together! Congrats to you on a good job!
    I chuckled when I saw the gift package you received, including a bar of soap. I immediately thought of a really old (Irish? British?) expression that my Mom used to say, maybe you've heard of it: "It's like taking coals to Newcastle". Meaning you have plenty of soap and it's overkill :) But not really, because that one looks like it would smell yummy good, so nice gift set for you.

    I'm interested in the Burton book and have been seeing it around and read her a few years ago.

    1. Heh, yeah, the soap was a bit like bringing coal to Newcastle (I think it's an English expression) but that company does make nice soaps and I occasionally like ti check out my competition so it's all good. :)

      Lots of interest in the Burton book, yay!

  21. I've got to get my hands on White Trash Zombie Gone Wild. I love the series! Nice wins this week. It seems like a lot of people are having a quiet week. Probably the calm before Halloween. LOL

    1. Thanks! Halloween is generally quiet in my neighborhood but yeah, that may be part of it. I liked the quiet, it's good sometimes. :)

  22. Oops. Forgot my link -

  23. Sounds like some nice weather up there, we've had that here too!
    Have a great week Bea and good luck job hunting!

  24. Way to go on Blog Ahead, Bea! I only have seven posts so far... and those are all memes, too. I have to sit down and crank out some reviews, these days, I seem to read a lot, once I finish a book, I pick up the next. But no review.
    Have a fantastic week and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. Thanks! I have some reviews to crank out too. I tend to let them build up as I like to them marinate in my brain or a bit before I start writing.

      Have a great week!

  25. The Mary Burton book looks so good but I need to read the previous book first.

    I'm loving the October weather...we're having the same kind as you.

    Hope you have a great week!

    1. Yeah, I love October weather; a nice halfway between spring and winter and the foliage is beautiful. You can read the Burton books as stand alones since each book features a different couple. You do miss out a bit on the family interactions but the books still work.

  26. YEah for White Trash Zombie. Love that series, I am listening to book three right now, need to catch up. Hope you snag that perfect job soon!

    1. Thanks! I am hoping. I have the WTZ as audio and I'm looking forward to it.

  27. Oh you are having lovely weather! That's great. We keep flip flopping between cooler and warmer. But that's fall for you. Have a great week!

  28. I really need to get better at blogging ahead, I do well for one month and then I'm like phew well done, and pause.
    White Zombie!! I keep seeing this series!! I need NEED to purchase it


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