Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sunday Book Share #159

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by Caffeinated Book ReviewerStacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. It's a chance to share the print and digital books we've received and posts and events on the blog.

I think Mother Nature is confused. The week started off cool, gray, and rainy then summer came back and it's been sunny and in the 80s. But I'm happy I've been able to turn off the A/C and I'm looking forward to the lower electric bill. In other news, I had an interview for a full-time teaching position that looks promising and, despite the summer weather, yesterday I went apple picking. :)

Authors, I have 2 editing slots open in October and 1 in November; send me an email for more information.

I'm also setting up a tour for author Lilith Darville, starting next month. She has an erotic romance series with BDSM and menage elements.We're looking for reviews, interviews, and guest posts. Sign up here if you're interested.  

The Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog:  "free lung models" and "cats celebrating july 4th"

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page

It was another week where books exploded. A bunch came in at the library, a blog tour book arrived, and a whole bunch of books I won arrived.


I won this from Lori at Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book


I was one of the scavenger hunt winners during NetGalley's 2015 Challenge recently. I admit, I find it ironic that a site that's about ebooks gave print books for prizes. :D Also, they sent me 4 stickers and I only need 1 so if you want one, speak up! First come, first served. Sorry, US & CA only.

Star Wars: A New Dawn by John Jackson Miller
Star Wars: Tarkin by James Luceno
Star Wars: Lords of the Sith by Paul S. Kemp
Sleeping Giants by Sylvain Neuvel (ARC)
Three Moments of an Explosion by China Mieville



Review Consideration

Kindle Freebies

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. I completely agree that bother nature is confused Bea. Here in Australia it's Spring but we've already had some very hot days and then suddenly a cold night or two.

    A stack of new books there between your wins and library visit!

    1. Maybe Mother Nature is PMSing?:D And yes, quite a few new books. I'll be busy. :)

  2. We had a mix too last week, only it started out nice and then the end of the week was rainy. I'm getting into fall mode and like the cooldown.

    The Jenn McKinlay looks good, I saw another one of hers I was interested in a while back. And Rolling in the Deep- a scary mermaid tale! Yes please. :)

    1. I'm ready for the cool down too, and this week is supposed to be 60s and 70s. :)

      I haven't read McKinlay before but it looks good andasfor the scary mermaid, it's Mira Grant; it'll be scary and it'll be good. :)

  3. So many questions about the lung model. Were they looking for a plastic replica of a lung or something else? Definitely a strange one! I've got Nine Lives and it looks really good and that's my favorite McKinlay series! I haven't read that one but it's in my coming up soon stack. I always enjoy her books. Fingers crossed on the full time job and have a great week!

    1. Not sure what they were looking for but I have posted pics of a lung model on here so that's why they get sent here. I have high hopes for both the Staub and McKinlay books. Have a great week!

  4. "free lung models"! What!? I was apple picking yesterday too but in my own garden and I made yummy stewed apple afterwards. So much nicer when you pick the apples yourself :)
    I LOVE your NetGalley stickers! Baby It's Cold Outside looks fun, I'm assuming its short stories and looks like it would be good to read during HoHoHo readathon, if you are taking part?

    1. Oh, lucky girl to have apple trees in your garden! I think I might make applesauce with mine. :)

      I'm not sure if I'll do Baby, It's Cold Outside for Ho Ho Ho as I have a bunch of books for that already. I'll have to look at my schedule and see.

  5. Congrats on winning one of the Netgalley Scavenger Hunt prizes! You got me chuckling about the physical books, I wonder why they do that? I have trouble actually reading my physical books, I love it when they're all pristine and beautiful :D
    Have a fantastic week ahead and happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. Thanks! I do like my physical books to be in good shape but I don't need them to be pristine.

  6. I just got BABY IT'S COLD OUTSIDE. I may have it on my Kindle too - must look. EVerything has been cray cray this week. I am not sure which end is up!

    1. I hope this week will be less crazy for you!

  7. The weather here in the UK is always Gray and dull at least it hasn't been raining too much. Netgalley giving physical books made me LOL you would think it would be ebooks. Have a great week.

    Megan @

    1. That's what I was thinking about NetGalley too. I don't mind, it just made me laugh.

      Hopefully, you don't get too much rain; gray and dull is bad enough.

  8. Great update. I'm hopping over now to read you review on HOPCROSS JILLY. I'm reading the Mercy Thompson series now!

    1. Obsessive Book Nerd -

    2. HopCross takes place after Night Touched so there may be spoilers in it.. Thanks for visiting!

  9. So your cat is still celebrating 4th of July, lol. Weird searches...

    Hope you get the new job, sounds promising for you.
    I'd be interested in the new Jenn Mckinlay book. I have Christmas books but am now on the hunt for Autumn/Halloween themed reads. Also Nine Lives, because I'm a big Corsi Staub fan from way back.
    Enjoy your week.

    1. LOL I'm pretty sure the search is related to my Cat Thursday posts. Nine Lives is up at NetGalley so you could request it. :)

  10. I am hoping to go Apple Picking soon, I am in the mood for PIE!

    Congrats on the Netgalley Win, I had no idea what that was all about but I signed up lol.

    Fingers crossed you get the job!

    Have a great week, Bea! Happy Reading! ox

  11. Thanks Michelle, you too! Have fun apple picking. :)

  12. Looks like some great reads that you have here. I used to read the Star Wars books all the time. I have really been wanting to read Brave The Heat so bad. Hope you enjoy.

    1. These will be my first Star Wars book. I'm looking forward to them, and I'm looking forward to Brave the Heat too.

  13. That is funny that NetGalley prizes were print books, but congrats. Oh, I love apple picking. Are you going to make pie?

  14. Enjoy your haul! I enjoy Wendy Corsi Staub, so Nine Lives is going on my list.


    1. This will be my first book by Staub; I'm looking forward to ti.

  15. All looks good. I have a creepy fascination of the Rolling in the Deep cover. Enjoy.

  16. Ahhh the weather did that here too. It got pretty dang cold and down into the low 50s at night which was crazy!

  17. Isn't it nice to be able to turn off the a/c? Besides a lower electric bill, I like the natural cool weather better. Good luck with the job interview. Have a great week!

    1. It is! I have windows open and it's so nice!

  18. Sleeping Giants sounds good, hope you enjoy-- have a great upcoming week.

  19. I got Baby It's Cold Outside anthology today too. I don't really read holiday books, but I'll make an exception for that. The author line up is good!

    I have faith that you'll get that full time job, Bea. Go kick their butts, show them what they'll be missing if they pass up on you.

    1. I've read only author in there but the others are ones I want to try.

      Thanks Braine! From your mouth to their ears!

  20. Wow, lots of yummy books there! Best of luck with the job interview; I hope they can see what a terrific teacher you are! The weather's been really nice here - 70s, mostly, and low humidity. Apple-picking, now there's a thought!

    1. Thanks Lark! Now that's my kind of weather, my very fave.

  21. I will send good thougths your way for the job interview. Looks like you got some terrific reads, that Mira Grant book is catching my eye!

    1. Thanks Heidi. :) I do like Mira Grant and I'm sure I'll like this one.

  22. I hope you enjoy your new books - Rolling in the Deep looks interesting - and congrats on your win :)

  23. Mother Nature can be such a bitch. lol. Yay for apple picking though, that's fun.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!