Sunday, September 13, 2015

Sunday Book Share #158

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. All of these memes are about sharing the print and digital books received and/or posts and events on the blog.

Thank you to everyone for the kind words and congratulations on my blogaversary. I'm still amazed it's been 5 years, how'd that happen? :D

Other than the blogaversary celebrations, it was a quiet week - the car hunting is temporarily on hold, I took care of a friend's cats over the long weekend, did some author assistant work, worked at my church's fall fair, and lots of reading and review writing. I have a job interview on Monday for a full-time position that's 3/4 teaching and 1/4 curriculum coordinator, which would be new for me. Send positive thoughts my way please!

I also scheduled my three year check-up for my lung surgery. I can't believe it's been three years! The first procedure (it was a three stage process) was done three years ago in July. There were some complications along the way but the end result was that the surgery was a success! For those of you who weren't following me then, I had experimental lung surgery for my asthma. It didn't cure the asthma, there is no cure, but it did significantly alleviate my asthma- I have fewer flare ups and attacks and when they occur they are less severe than pre-surgery.

The Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog:  "hosting my first reading challenge", "zahn mcclarnon élete" ??? and "Anna divine" :D

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page


Thanks to Harlequin, Knopf Books,  Read Now Sleep Later and Just Romantic Suspense for the books!

Thanks to, I was finally able to get this. It's been on my wish list for several years.


Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. I don't have kids but I have to say 'Monkey Not Ready for Kindergarten' looks absolutely gorgeous!

    I've got a friend whose boy is starting kindy soon but he cannot wait to go!!!


    1. I think people will either love or hate the artwork, and it's a sweet story.

  2. That's nice to hear that the y were able to help with surgery. My mom and sister both have asthma, I got lucky I guess, my sister has had a lot of trouble with hers. Good luck with the interview! Hope all your reads this week are good. :)

    1. Thanks for the good wishes Greg! And I recommend the surgery to anyone with severe asthma, it's worth it.

  3. I cannot believe it has been three years since the surgery..I was following and friends with you on Facebook then..damn time sure flies.Are you sure you are only babysitting the cat...seems to me the last time that happen you gained a new house companion...LOL

    1. I know! Hard to believe.

      LOL, yes, I am sure that the cats will not be coming home with me; their owner is reliable. :)

  4. Sounds amazing surgery and great that it has at least helped. All the best for the job interview, hope it goes well. I want to read Switchback, I believe its an oldie but worth the read.

  5. I had not heard there was asthma surgery - it must have been really awful to consider surgery for it. Glad it helped you out. It's hard when it is hard to breathe; I have experienced some ad it scares the crap out of me every time.

    1. It is scary for sure. I hope your asthma is under control and you're doing well.

  6. Happy 5 years! I can't believe I missed that, my hiatus really had me out of the loop. I hope you have a million more blogversaries to celebrate :)

    Good luck with the interview *crossing everything that crosses*

    I am glad the surgery helped a little, asthma can be scary my aunt has it and it's really not fun when you get a flair up. I hope your check up goes amazingly

    Have a great week Bea! Happy Reading! ox

  7. Siren's Serenade sounds good, hope you enjoy and have a great upcoming week.

  8. Time flies by so fast. You got some interesting books this week. I hope you love all your new books this week.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  9. That's great about the surgery and hope the checkup goes flawlessly. I have asthma but have been very lucky that it's mild and I'm able to control it by careful exercise and a few other things. Fingers crossed and good vibes sent for your interview! I love paperbackswap. I had to put my account on hold for a little while because I've been reading almost exclusively review books and used up all my credits. I'm trying to read more off my shelf to build up my credit up again. Have a great week!

    1. That's good about your asthma! I hope it stays mild (it can change over time).

      I hear you on the review pile. The only books I'm getting from paperbackswap are wish list books I have on auto request like this one.

      Have a great week!

  10. I am so glad you've gotten some relief from your asthma after the surgery, Bea! Best of luck with Monday's interview - I hope you get the job. (They should totally hire you!) Enjoy those new books - I see a fair bit of romantic suspense in there!

    1. Yeah, last week was heavy on romantic suspense; kinda funny. : D

      Thanks for the well wishes and have a good week!

  11. Great news about the blogoversary and more importantly, your lung surgery! My sis-in-law and both her kids have asthma, though luckily the kids' asthma has greatly improved as they became young adults.

    Good thoughts for your check-up and sending best wishes for a successful work interview-- you'll nail it! Enjoy your books and all your recent activities.

  12. Bountiful {{{posivibes}}} for Monday and for the check up. So glad the surgery helped. My dad has COPD which also has no cure. You still haven't found a car? That blows. I think you need to have a brownie. ;)

    1. I had a brownie. :)

      Thanks Carol! Have a great week.

  13. Good luck with your interview and your follow-up visit. I hadn't heard of a surgery for asthma but it sounds like you have some relief. I hope it continues and you have a great week!

    1. The surgery is only a few years old. It made the news initially but lately it's been quiet. It's a good surgery, I wish it were more available.

  14. In the Company of Wolves looks very... nice. I'll have to look into that... ;)

    My StS:

    1. It's the third in a series but it might work as a stand-alone.

    2. Thanks so much, Shell! If you check it out, let me know how you like it! :)


  15. *positive thoughts, positive thoughts* :) Good luck with new job. I hope you enjoy The Company of Wolves, I listened to the first in that series and it was okay but I do hope the next one and this one will be better. :)

    Week in Review

    1. Thanks Stormi. I agree. the first book was just okay; the second one was better. I have high hopes for this one.

  16. That's wonderful that the surgery helped. I hope the check up goes well. Good luck on your interview!

  17. Good luck on job interview!

  18. Holy crap! It's been 3 years?!?! Where the hell has time gone? How do you think you'll do? Are you nervous? But holy cow! You are so much better than before so it was so totally worth it, right?!?!

    Great books this week! I'll have to see what you think of Paige Tyler's book - I thought about grabbing it ;)

    Good luck and break a leg on Monday!!!!

    1. Definitely worth it! And I can hardly believe it's been three years! But it was one of the best decisions I ever made.

      The Tyler series is good, not great, but good. Skip the first one, go to the second one and start there.

  19. sending you positive thoughts and energy.

    Have a great week ahead, Bea! I'm surprised you still find the time to read AND blog!

    1. Thanks! I'm not working full-time right now so it's been easier for me to do it all.

  20. Sending positive vibes and good thoughts for your job interview ... hope you're successful! And how wonderful the surgery has improved your asthma to such a degree, both my boys were severe asthmatics as children/teenagers but they have been so lucky as young adults and only seem to have a flare up when they get other respiratory illnesses.
    Nice lineup of books ... have a great week and happy reading :)

    1. Thanks! I hope your boys' asthma continues to be miid.

  21. Beat of luck for your follow up Bea.
    Enjoy your new reads, looks like a fair bit of romantic suspense!

    Naomi @ Naomi’s Reading Palace

  22. Oh some handsome new books there. :) Hope you enjoy them and have a good week.


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