Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday: Chimera by Mira Grant

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine where bloggers have the chance to spotlight upcoming releases they're anticipating.
I am anxiously waiting for the November release of "Chimera", the final book in Mira Grant's science fiction/dystopian trilogy, Parasitology. The series is creepy, terrifying, and much too likely for my comfort. It's also twisty, crazy, shocking, philosophical, full of humor both sharp and soft, and with characters who are so real you'd swear you know them even though some are larger than life. I want to read this book but I don't because it's the end of the series.

The final book in Mira Grant's terrifying Parasitology trilogy.

The outbreak has spread, tearing apart the foundations of society, as implanted tapeworms have turned their human hosts into a seemingly mindless mob.

Sal and her family are trapped between bad and worse, and must find a way to compromise between the two sides of their nature before the battle becomes large enough to destroy humanity, and everything that humanity has built...including the chimera.

The broken doors are closing. Can Sal make it home?


  1. I'm not really into science fiction, but I really hope you enjoy the conclusion to this series!!

    Thanks for stopping by my WoW!!

  2. I meant to give this series a try, but it fell off my radar screen. Thanks for reminding me about it.

  3. Wow! Love the cover and blurb. I haven't started the first book much less have heard of this series before, but I'd like to get on board on with this. Looks really interesting. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

    1. Grant is an excellent writer, you should give her a try. :)

  4. I really need to read the second book. I loved the first one and it creeped me the hell out, but I've been so busy with other releases that I just haven't gotten around to borrowing it from the library.

    1. It's a creepy series for sure. I think you'll like the second book. :)

  5. I have never read any of her books (under either name), but everyone raves about them. Maybe I'll remedy that with one of my extra Audible credits!

    1. Oh, yes, you should! But be warned, she's creepy and doesn't do happy endings.


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