Sunday, August 9, 2015

Sunday Book Share #153

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. All of these memes are about sharing the print and digital books received and/or posts and events on the blog.

Still no new car, still looking. We had severe thunderstorms, hail and tornado warnings Tuesday afternoon. There were lots of branches and trees down, a few places lost power, but that was the extent of the damage.

We have a date for my father's funeral, did I mention that yet? I can't recall. It's September 30th. Arlington Cemetery and Fort Myer are very serious about security: we have to provide a guest list, family and guests have to show ID at the base gate, cars are subject to a search, and the chapel doors are locked at the service's starting time. If you're late, you don't get in the chapel.

The Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog: I am clueless about this one O_o, "nook breeding chubby women" To the best of my knowledge the only thing I'm breeding are dust bunnies. :D

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page



This was a Kindle Daily Deal, $1.99 for a 7 book bundle. How could I resist?


Kindle Freebies

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. Enjoy your new haul! Harmonized looks very tempting....

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  2. A storm came through here last weekend too, although it was north of us for the most part. Glad yours wasn't worse. And that Gabaldon set- what a deal! I've always thought those books had cool titles, even when I didn't know what they were about. A good title (and cover art) goes a long way...

    Have a great weekend. :)

  3. Hope you find a new car soon. Sorry to hear about your dad passing. Great deal on the Outlander set. Hope you love all your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  4. Oh, I hadn't realised you had such a wait for the funeral. But it sounds like it will be a beautiful service and important celebration.


  5. Hope the funeral goes well...again if I haven't told you yet, I am really sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how hard it has been, I am super close to my dad, so this just breaks my heart. Yay for getting Harmonized...I so need to read that series soon. I am unsure if I will read the Outlander serie's though, but you are braver than I am hehe. Hope you enjoy them.

  6. Sorry about your dad, I hope the funeral goes well.

  7. It's quite a long time before the funerals, I know how hard this is *hugs* I'd love to read Harmonized too, and that Outlander bundle was a very good catch, congrats !

  8. I'm glad you finally have a date for the funeral, it has been such a drawn out process. And the rules are crazy but understandable and it will be good to know you are fulfilling his final wishes.
    I'm so sad I missed that Outlander deal, it was a steal!

  9. WOW, that's a long time still until the funeral, Bea, but it's important to make sure it coincides with his wishes, and that it will also be the right way for all of you to say goodbye.
    Have you read any of the Outlander books yet? If not, I hope you'll love them! I am happy the TV show is so close to the books, to keep me happy and patient while waiting for the next installment.
    Have a fantastic week ahead and happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  10. Such stringent rules, but I understand why. Sorry about the loss of your father.
    sherry @ fundinmental Sherry's Shelves

  11. Sorry to hear about your father but I am glad you have a date set for the funeral, Arlington looks like a very special place.

    I hope you enjoy Outlander, a lot of bloggers have snatched the set up!

    Heather | Random Redheaded Ramblings

  12. Wow, we went to a funeral at a veteran's cemetery in NH two falls ago and it was nothing like that. There was no security. But Arlington is huge and much more present in the American cultural mentality. But, like you need more hassles at this time.

  13. I'm sure the funeral will be beautiful despite all the security hassles. With all the craziness in the world it makes sense even though it's very sad that it's necessary. I've been to Arlington a few times and it's so lovely and peaceful.
    Great haul this week! I can believe I missed the Outsider deal. Not like I needed to buy them but I would've. I haven't read the series yet but people keep telling me I should. Have a great week!

  14. I didn't know about the security for a funeral at Arlington and Fort Myer, but I guess it makes sense these days. I'm sure it will be a very moving ceremony. The military does funerals with reverence and honor.

    That was a great deal on the Outlander series. I missed that. I hope this is a good reading week for you, Bea.

  15. Glad you at least have a date and plan now for the funeral. I only got a few this week, and was very slow with my reading. Just couldn't get into my book, but had to finish it for review.

  16. I'm glad you will finally find some peace from your father's passing and have a resolution shortly. What a long wait!

    The Mary Behre books look great!

    By the way, maybe I understand the strange phrase leading to your blog {Nook breeding chubby women}... reading (whether on a B & N Nook or otherwise, can sure make a person chubby because they sit and read, and maybe munch on a snack too, ha! LOL. Just joking, because so many bloggers walk and jog and listen to books so this isn't true in many cases....maybe only mine??

    Have a good week, Bea, and much success in the car search!

  17. Many hugs for your father's funeral. I know first hand what a difficult situation it is.

    I missed the Outlander deal. I was just about to order it when the price changed. That's a great deal.

    Enjoy your books.


    And thank goodness your dad is going to be finally laid to rest, it's about time.

  19. Led Astray sounds good, hope that you enjoy and have a great week.

  20. Oh wow. I've never been to a funeral there. That's crazy. But good they take precautions too I guess.

    Scary on the weather. Glad yall got through with little damage or trouble!

  21. Wowizers you all are so busy here. I thought I was busy! Congrats on the win! I need to enter into giveaways I usually don't because I never win anything. Have a great week!

    Sunday Post #2

  22. Sorry to hear about your father's passing. My condolences!

  23. OMG! I am so glad I seen that freebie of Dakota Cassidy, I must run off to Amazon and get that :)

  24. My deepest condolences on your father's passing. May he rest in peace!

    I can't believe I missed the Outlander Kindle deal. :/ Great books! :D

    Blessie @ Mischievous Reads

  25. WHAT?!! How did I miss that Outlander deal? I check everyday for the daily deals. Dang it!

    I'm glad you guys got a date for his funeral. That's still awhile off though. At least he'll be where he wanted to be.

    Have a great week, and good luck with finding the right car.

  26. So sorry to hear about your dad passing away. It sounds like his service will be very special, though.

    I see you got the Outlander special! It was over by the time I went to buy it :-(

    Kate @ Ex Libris

  27. I'm glad you're finally getting things planned for your father's funeral. I'm so sorry *hugs* And I'm sorry the last car didn't work out... hang in there girl!!!

  28. Hugs to you, Bea! I'm glad you were able to schedule a time for your father's funeral, Bea. There's always a wait for the military cemeteries these days. It's tough to get a spot at Arlington, particularly, so I'm glad you were able to do so. And yes, security is really high on military bases. We attend church on the base where my husband works (as a civilian), and I have to get a special pass once a year so I can get on base for choir practice or church if he's out of town.

    What a great deal on the Outlander books! And I hope you enjoy Harmonized. :-) Have a great week, reading and otherwise.

  29. I hope you find a car soon. I don't blame them for having tight security at Arlington. It's sad that the crazies out there have reduced us to that.

    I picked up An American Werewolf in Hoboken. When I looked at it on Goodreads I noticed I had added it to the TBR back in May 2011. And now I have it! So, thanks! LOL

  30. Oh my. That's terrible weather. Hope it clears up so you can get out and find that perfect car. :)

    Glad you finally have a date for your father's funeral.

    Have a good week.

  31. Glad to hear you finally have a date for the funeral Bea... it has to be hard having to wait so long to have your final goodbye.
    I hope you have a great week girl!

    Naomi @ Naomi’s Reading Palace

  32. Great haul. I really need to pick up the Outlander series too. I'm sorry about your father!

    Sofia @ SofiaLovesReading


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