Friday, August 28, 2015

Review & Giveaway: Friction by Sandra Brown

Publisher: Grand Central
Source: the publisher in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: August 18, 2015
Challenges: NetGalley and Edelweiss ARCs
Buying Links: Amazon* | Book Depository* | OmniLit*  | Indigo | iTunes | Barnes & Noble
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Sandra Brown comes a gripping story of family ties and forbidden attraction.
A Texas Ranger, relegated to deskwork due to past recklessness, petitions to regain custody of his five-year-old daughter, and his case is assigned to a family court judge who is as attractive as she is ambitious. When a masked gunman barges in during the custody hearing with his sights on the judge, the Ranger reacts instinctually and goes after him. But authorities apprehend the wrong man, and the real gunman remains unknown, at large, and a threat. Will this take-charge lawman jeopardize his chances of custody by going after the would-be assassin? And will this unlikely pair be able to deny the forbidden attraction building between them?

Bea's Thoughts:

Well, this book grabbed me right from the first page and the pace never let up. It's a brisk story with lots of adventure, hot sex, love, and family drama. It did take me most of the story to like out 'hero', Crawford. He's cocky, bossy, cocky, arrogant, impulsive, reckless, and impulsive. Did I mention that he's cocky and impulsive? Cuz, yeah, he really is and it drove me nuts at times. But then he'd be so sweet with his daughter Georgia and was so patient with her. Then he'd do something bossy or stupid and I'd want to kick him in the balls, lol. And he and Holly were explosive together. From antagonists to lovers in about sixty seconds. Whew! Holly was a good match for Crawford; she's calm, reasonable, stubborn, and with a strong backbone. She takes no crap, not from Crawford, not from her campaign manager, not from her political opponent, and not from the idiot prejudiced cop in charge of the investigation.

The mystery of who was behind the attack in court and why kept me guessing; add in some mysterious goings on and at times I needed a score card to track what was happening. I had a guess that was utterly wrong though my suspect was an a$$ through and through, completely unlikable. And Crawford's father-in-law, wow, what a douche bag. He might love his granddaughter Georgia, but it felt more like she was a pawn in his ongoing hatred for Crawford.

"Friction" was electric, emotional, and kept me guessing with it's twists and turns. This is my favorite one by Sandra Brown yet.  

About the Author ~ 

Sandra Brown is the author of more than sixty New York Times bestsellers, including DEADLINE(2013), LOW PRESSURE (2012), LETHAL (2011), TOUGH CUSTOMER (2010), SMASH CUT (2009), SMOKE SCREEN (2008), PLAY DIRTY (2007), RICOCHET (2006), CHILL FACTOR (2005), WHITE HOT (2004), & HELLO, DARKNESS (2003).

Brown began her writing career in 1981 and since then has published over seventy novels, bringing the number of copies of her books in print worldwide to upwards of eighty million. Her work has been translated into over thirty languages.

A lifelong Texan, Sandra Brown was born in Waco, grew up in Fort Worth and attended Texas Christian University, majoring in English. Before embarking on her writing career, she worked as a model at the Dallas Apparel Mart, and in television, including weathercasting for WFAA-TV in Dallas, and feature reporting on the nationally syndicated program “PM Magazine.”

In 2009 Brown detoured from her thrillers to write, Rainwater, a much acclaimed, powerfully moving story about honor and sacrifice during the Great Depression.

Brown recently was given an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from Texas Christian University. She was named Thriller Master for 2008, the top award given by the International Thriller Writer’s Association. Other awards and commendations include the 2007 Texas Medal of Arts Award for Literature and the Romance Writers of America’s Lifetime Achievement Award.

Find Sandra Online:

Tour-wide giveaway (US only) 10x coffee cup + a signed (personalized) copy of Friction; ends September 3rd. The author is providing the prizes and is solely responsible for shipping. No purchase necessary. VOID where prohibited.

 a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Replies
    1. She knows how to hook the reader and keep them reading.

  2. Awesome reviews, Bea! I love mystery and suspense novels and this one sounds intense and right up my alley! Glad you liked it! :)

  3. This sounds like so much fun and this is an author I've really been wanting to try! I love when characters just work together and it's even better when they're not perfect.

    1. It was fun. Brown's books have run the gamut for me, from WTF? bad to can't put it down good. This was one I couldn't put down.

  4. Really looking forward to reading this one! I read Mean Streak a few months ago and thoroughly enjoyed it.

    1. Mean Streak was good! I liked that one a lot.

  5. I haven't read a Sandra Brown book in a long time, this sounds really good. :)

    1. She definitely gets better the more she writes.

  6. There was a time when I gobbled up every Sandra Brown as soon as they came out. I need to get back to her, they are always fun suspenseful romances.

    1. I've only recently gotten into her books but I'm enjoying her very much.

  7. This sounds so good Bea and not my usual type of read. Will add it to the to read pile.

    Megan @

  8. I loved your review of this book. I have read a lot of her books and this one sounds like another one that I will really enjoy reading. Thank you for the giveaway

    1. Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the review. Good luck in the giveaway!


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