Wednesday, June 17, 2015

COYER Scavenger Hunt Sign Up Post

COYER Scavenger Hunt - (un)Conventional Bookviews 

It's COYER time again! This summer there are activities galore planned, most of which I will not do but I am going to try do one or two. You can read all about them here.

For those of you unfamiliar with COYER, it's a challenge run several times a year to help you read those freebies cluttering up your ereader. This summer the hosts, Michelle @ Because Reading, Stormi @ Books, Movies, Reviews, Oh My! and Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun are also counting print books. My focus will be on ebooks but a few print books may make their way in.

I'm not going to make a list as my reading lists lately have simply not gone according to plan. :D Instead, I have a total goal: 22 books. That's 2 books a week, which should be doable. Every month I'll include my COYER results in my monthly challenge wrap up post

It's not too late, you can still sign up! If you're participating, good luck and have fun!


  1. This hunt is going to be so much fun. I have a spreadsheet filled with reading possibilities.

    1. A spreadsheet? Oh my. :D I'm not nearly that organized. I don't think I'll be doing the scavenger hunt or at least, not much. Mainly I just want to get books read. :) But good luck and have fun!


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