Thursday, June 11, 2015

Cat Thursday: Please Walk the Dog

 Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates cats; their foibles and humorousness and the joy they bring. You can join in by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you made or came across, cat art or share with us pics of your own felines, then post your link up at The True Book Addict.

Mine are more inclined to jump on the bathroom counter than the kitchen counter. Weirdos, but it works for me. :D


  1. I have had my cat jump onto the table to drink the oil in my prepped ingredients as if it were water. I thought I was alone in having this issue.

    1. Oil huh? That's a little different but I think all cats share a desire for for people food.

  2. Loullig would love to eat in our plates and drink our water, he can look so innocent in trying to reach his goal ! It doesn't matter if he has his own plate on the ground, our food/drinks look so much tastier :)

    1. Yes,our food does look so much more appealing to them.

  3. Piper knows better than to jump on the kitchen counter:) He is on the bath counters a lot...that is where his water glasses are...yes he drinks water out of glasses. Refuses to use the bowl on the floor!

  4. LOL! Sounds about right! Thankfully none of my cats jump on the counters but I've had a couple in the past who did.

    1. Mine like to jump on the bathroom counter but they stay off of the kitchen counters. Or at least, I've never caught them. :P

  5. Oh gah. The butter lickers. I have one of those. Most stay off the counter but not Cy. Whew.

  6. Cookie loves to jump on the kitchen counter. Trudy doesn't jump on counters at all.

  7. So true! My gray tabby Frodo loves the deli meats and cheeses. So it's a constant battle to make sure we're not leaving any on the counters for him to get to!


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