Thursday, May 21, 2015

Cat Thursday - I WILL Sit On You

 Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates cats; their foibles and humorousness and the joy they bring. You can join in by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you made or came across, cat art or share with us pics of your own felines, then post your link up at The True Book Addict.

Claude gets frustrated because he likes to be in my lap, or more precisely, sprawled across my chest, but I often have the laptop in my lap. On this day, he found an alternative - my typing arm. Eight. Pounds. of. Dead. Weight.

Also, I'm not sure why there's such a drastic change of color from one picture to the next; they were taken seconds apart, with my cellphone.  

Yes, I am using a stack of books as my mouse pad. :D Creativity FTW! :P



  1. Triskell is the same, he likes to keep arms prisoners ;)

  2. As I speak, Thomas is on my lap - all 11 pounds of him. He's not normally a lap cat, but he loves my office chair. If he's in it and I pick him up and sit down, he'll stay.

  3. That's hilarious though sounds pretty hard on the arm! Cats can sleep in the weirdest places and they're most insistent about it.

  4. LOL - Cookie is always sitting on my lap while I'm at my computer. She's very disruptive. LOL

  5. That's great- he certainly looks comfortable. :) They have a way of taking over...

  6. Visiting from Cat Thursday...

    Wow, your cat is a real chameleon! Cant believe the difference in colors!

    My cats are no respecters of people either. Magellan especially loves putting arms to sleep!

    Have an awesome week and I guess be glad he is only 8 pounds! :-)

  7. Oh gah. Gladys does that over my typing arm too. Drives me crazy and she's a yowler when you try to move even a little bit. lol Weird how the camera can do such different pics so close together.

  8. Socky is the same, she has a knack for finding the part of me to sit on that will be the most uncomfortable for me!

  9. I have the exact same problem with Arya. She thinks my chest is her bed and always wants to lay there when I'm trying to work! Not sure what will happen if she ever gets as big as Alice. haha!

    Love the improvisation with the book stack mouse pad!


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