Friday, March 27, 2015

The Friday 56: Tempest's Fury by Nicole Peeler

This is a fun meme to do hosted by Freda's Voice. If you'd like to join in the fun go to The Friday 56.

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader.
*Find any sentence that grabs you.
*Post it.
*Link it here.

Like last week's book, this is one from my personal pile that I'm reading for the March 2015 Take Control Of Your TBR Pile"Tempest's Fury", by Nicole Peeler is an urban fantasy that is both dark and funny. The quote is from page 56  in the paperback.

The fire pit was a bizarrely seventies Playboy touch, but it worked, not least as the flames if the fire were a supernatural kind that wouldn't actually burn down the library.


  1. I haven't heard heard of this one before. Interesting teaser and an interesting cover. For some reason, I tend to like the cartoony covers.

  2. Couldn't help but chuckle when I looked at the cover.

    sherry @ fundinmentalFriday Memes

  3. A fire pit in the library??? Not something I've ever seen before.

    My Friday post:

  4. Love the cover and it sounds interesting. :) I think I have a book by this author somewhere in my pile of books. :)

    Friday Memes

  5. That is definitely an interesting cover...and the 70s mention took me back...LOL

    Here's mine: “THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY”

  6. For some reason it made me giggle...
    Happy weekend!

  7. Hmmm....Maybe a library show stick with a fireplace? ;-) Please check out my Beginnings and 56

  8. Sounds like a fun book. I'm curious about that fire pit in the library!
    My Friday post features GRACIANNA.

  9. For some reason, it made me laugh too.
    My F56:
    New follower.

  10. I haven't heard of this one but the 70s Playboy comment made me laugh and I'm curious about the flames being okay in a library!

  11. Love it! I'm going to go check it out now. This is my kind of reading:)
    My 56 -

  12. Oh goodness. I sooo neeed to get back to this series! I loved reading these books and they always made me laugh. I could use a great laugh. :) Thanks for sharing!


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