Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sunday Book Share #132

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. All of these memes are about sharing the print and digital books received and/or posts and events on the blog.

Spring is coming! Wednesday it was in the 50s here. I had my windows open for over 24 hours until the temps dropped back into the 20s. The cats and I loved it. I had another busy week at school and it looks as if I'll be busy there for the forseeable future. The downside to that is less time for visiting other blogs. I'll try to get around but it might take me awhile. Also, I spent waaaaay too much time in one preschool room last week; their weather song is stuck in my head and won't go away!   

The Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog: "" - ? There's a blog by that name so why would my blog come up?, "the iron king characters", and "sexy threesome excerpts"

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page

Purchased - I got sucked in by the Kindle Daily Deals last week. 


Jax and I are reviewing Spell Weaver as part of the blog tour next month.
Review Consideration

Kindle Freebies

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. I've been liking the weather too. So nice to open up the windows :)

    1. I can't wait to do it every day. Well, until pollen season starts and I close them again.

  2. It's finally getting a little bit warmer, which is nice. I hope you love all your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  3. It has actually been kind of HOT here, in the 80s...which I love. So much better than the triple digits that lie ahead, probably as early as April or May.

    Enjoy your week....I am curious about The Gemini Effect.


    1. Triple digits is definitely too hot. Right about now 80s would probably feel like high summer. :D

  4. I have a feeling I will regret passing up on the 5th gospel...

  5. Oh I dislike when I get a kids song stuck in my head too. It will drive me crazy sometimes, but that is the joy of working/having kids. ^_^
    Great book haul. I'm very interested in Forged in Ash. Have a great week Bea!

    1. Before you read Forged In Ash, read the first book, Forged in Fire. Getting a song stuck in your head is one of the joys of working with kids, happily there are some better joys.:D

  6. I got The Gemini Effect too! I also got Younger from Kindle daily deals, they both looked really interesting. It sounds like our weather was similar. Are you in Connecticut too, or is that just a weird coincidence? Have a great week!

  7. Massachusetts, so we're neighbors.:)

  8. songs like that stuck in your head..between that and the cats you must want to lock yourself in your room.

    1. Oh yes, there are definitely days when I want to lock myself away. :D

  9. Spell Weaver sounds interesting. Hope you enjoy and have a great week.

  10. Our weather has been decent too although they are now saying the temps will drop. Most of our snow is finally gone, though.

    Hope you have a great week!

    1. Oh yay for most of your snow being gone!

  11. I can't wait until the weather is warm enough to open windows! But at least all the snow melted!!

    PS. I can't keep my eyes off that cover on Spell Weaver!

  12. Uh ho, I think I'll borrow Spell weaver for my Lusting for cover meme soon if you don't mind ^^ Enjoy your complete Shakespeare ;)

  13. Warm weather..yay!! We have had warm weather here as well. :) Looks like you got some great books! Happy reading.


  14. Yup, things are cooling down her in Aus, heading into winter sports season! Yay!

    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  15. Burning for You looks good! I'm a sucker for covers like that and fireman romances! Hope you have a good week, Bea!

  16. Yay for spring! It was so sunny, warm, and gorgeous yesterday that one of my young chorus members arrived in shorts.

  17. So happy to hear that you are getting a taste of Spring. Let's hope it isnt a trick and that another blizzard is on the way. I hope you have flowers and sunshine all week.

  18. It sounds like you had a tiny taste of spring before the cold weather settled back in. It's been very warm where I live--90F this weekend. It was tempting to turn on the air conditioner, but we fought the urge.

    You've listed some tempting books. I'm curious about Spell Weaver and Bayou Magic.

    Have a great week!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!