Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Steph Reviews Tamed By Stacey Kennedy

Publisher: Loveswept by Random House
Series: Club Sin #5
Format Read: Ebook
Source: From Netgalley for an honest review
Release Date: March 10, 2015
Buying Links: Amazon* | ARe*/OmniLit | Barnes & Noble
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

Porter Marshall has nearly achieved his goal of becoming a Club Sin Master, but his new sub poses a much bigger challenge than he anticipated.

Despite their mutual attraction and red-hot dungeon sessions, Kenzie Hart plays her own games. Her bratty, you-can’t-break-me attitude masks terrible personal hurt—pain that only the exquisite touch of a skilled Dom can release.But when Porter suggests taking their connection to the outside world, Kenzie denies him . . . which only makes him want her more.

Kenzie can’t ignore the raw, fierce bond she has with Porter. But she can’t give in to his dangerous demands, either.

Is the passion they share real, or is he using her to solidify his status at Club Sin? And yet, who else can she trust with the shattering secrets she holds within? As Porter expertly brings her to the point of no return, Kenzie surrenders her body—and, piece by piece, her heart.

Tamed is an erotic romance intended for mature audiences

Steph's Thoughts:

It’s no secret that I love, love, love this series and Tamed is no exception to what has become the rule. As soon as I saw Tamed was up, I grabbed it and I was not disappointed.

 In the past month, I have attempted to read several books. This is the only one that I was able to pick up and not put down until I was finished with it. Porter and Kenzie are not my favorite Club Sin couple, but I still loved this book. Kenzie has a little more baggage than I prefer in my BDSM couples but she works through it and comes out on top. She also gets points because she owns a bookstore.

 Porter, I loved. He wasn’t a favorite character when he was mentioned in previous books but he definitely makes up for it in this book. He does something that no other Dom at Club Sin has ever tried. He wants to know what makes Kenzie tick and he figures her out. So he gets major points for caring about her and getting her to trust him.

 So go grab this one and devour it. The sex is hot and the story is great.


  1. BDSM is not for me, but I'm glad you enjoy that series so much ;)

  2. I've been eyeing this series, so glad you're enjoying it! I just might have to add it to my TBR!


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