Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Jax Reviews Limelight by K. Ball

Publisher: Krista D. Ball 
Format Read: ebook
Source: Author in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: 
Buying Links: Amazon*Barnes & Noble
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

Love…in the spotlight.

Anna Lainey is a successful author who values her privacy. The last person she would imagine herself dating is a movie star–yet when she meets Benjamin Worthington on the set of a major motion picture, sparks fly–and before she knows it, she’s caught up in a very public whirlwind romance.

But Anna has kept herself distant from others for a reason–she has a secret, crippling panic disorder. When Ben’s fans turn against her and begin stalking her, her worst anxieties have come to life. She doesn’t want to live without Ben–but she can’t live in the limelight either.

Jax's Thoughts:

I must tell you that while I do read romance, I'm sort of picky and a bit jaded. So when I say that I simply adored this book, take that to heart. Anna and Ben are exactly what we want our celebrity couples to be,  or at least what I want them to be. Real. Flawed. Nervous and adorably in love. They have friends who plot to get them together. It was sweet and fun and relatable.

It probably helps that Anna's panic disorder is something I live with; it was so well written. From the triggers to the calming techniques. It was wonderful to read. Anna, in general, is an awesome character. I loved watching her come to some powerful realizations concerning her professional life, separate from Ben, as well as the strength to build a life with him despite the daunting reality of his fame.

Even though there were moments I wanted to shake him, Ben is a fantastic lead. He's clearly a handsome man, considering his fan base, but at the same time, he's not described as physical perfection. His family is awesome, and the scenes with his sisters are touching and funny. He is, above all, a good man.

Another great aspect of this book has to do with Anna's career as an author. She has a mixed background - Pakistani and Caucasian - and many of her characters are minorities. She fights for her books to be marketed on their merits, to have the covers match the stories. I'd love to see more of that in real life.

Bea's Review of Limelight

1 comment:

  1. Oh I have this one and would like to get to it. :) So glad to hear you enjoyed it! :)


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