Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sunday Book Share #128

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. All of these memes are about sharing the print and digital books received and/or posts and events on the blog.

Well, I made it back to the snowy frozen Northeast. I did change my ticket to a different day to miss the storm at the beginning of the week (we have another one right now) and made it back, only an hour late. The flight crew for my plane was late arriving into DC so we were late taking off. And I need to give a shout out to someone even though she rarely reads my blog - my friend Elizabeth, after digging out her car, and her horses, drove over and dug out my car. When I got home, my car was cleared and ready to drive. <3

I enjoyed my time with my parents although it was discouraging to see my dad's condition. Between his physical health and his dementia, he's not doing well. I don't know how much longer we'll have him.

The Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog: Ooo, some new ones! "coffee cat memes", "irish erotic excerpts", and "lady farmers calendar"

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page


I ordered this last summer and it finally came!


Review Consideration

Kindle Freebies

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading!


  1. Glad you made it bacl, although the snow is getting old isn't it? We got more too, and it's cold... big time. Sorry to hear about your dad- that's hard.

    I think that aquarium books looks cute.

  2. Dig out your cars? I will never complain about our winters here in TN.

    I'm sorry to hear about your Dad. It is tough seeing them fade and lose them slowly. My mom had cancer & she was treated in our house, stayed in my room the whole time.
    So I can relate to this difficulty.

    Stay strong & make the most out of the time remaining. Hugs!

  3. So sorry to hear about your dad's ill health. It's so hard to watch them struggle and be powerless to help them. Now that my parents are elderly, I know just how much of a worry it is.
    Giggles that someone found you by searching irish erotic excerpts!

  4. So sorry to hear about your dad's health. It's never easy to see a loved one suffer. You got some good books. I will pray for your dad.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  5. I am very sorry to hear about your father. ((HUGS))

    It sounds like you had a very productive week, even with every going on. I always look forward to reading your posts. This was a good one!

  6. Oh gosh. I feel for all of you suffering through the snow storms on the east coast. It looks miserable. I hope you get a break soon. I am sorry to hear about your dad as well. I know it is hard watching someone decline to Dementia, that happened with my Grandma. Hugs! Stay warm and safe.

  7. *hugs Bea* I'm very sorry about your dad. It's good you were able to spend some time with your family, even though Mother Nature tried to mess it up.

    That's a good friend you have. Having someone help dig out makes all the difference, doesn't it?

    I grabbed Wreckage, too. It sounds intriguing. I'll have to check out the others you received. Have a great week, Bea <3

  8. Sorry to hear about your dad (((hugs))) I am glad you were able to spend some time with him.

    Your friend is great for digging you out. This winter is full of stinky snow, way to much. My husband and I have been talking about moving to Florida, just can't take the weather and NJ is just super expensive. This week is going to be FREEZING and I am not looking forward to it.

    Have a great week Bea! Happy Reading (((hugs again)))

  9. Oh wow - I hope things get better. It is so hard to watch a parent decline.

    I tagged you in a post if you are inclinded to share

  10. Welcome back, but I'm sorry to hear about your dad.

    Sounds like you have some great books. Enjoy!

  11. Welcome back and how nice of your friend. That must have been such a relief to not have to deal your car out. It looks like you got some fun books to read while you stay warm with all that snow. I'm curious about The Girls of Mischief Bay. I burned out on Mallery's Fool's Gold series but I still like her writing.
    I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. It's good that you got to spend time with him but I know it's still tough.

  12. I totally understand you on your dad, we lost my grandmother to Alzheimer's and it is hard to see them fade away. Sending good vibes and prayers your way :)

    Your friend is amazing, I'm just hoping for winter to be over very very soon.

  13. Yay for good friends! Ugh, that must be hard with your dad. So sad.

  14. It is a shame that your Dad is not doing as well as you hoped, but it is great to catch up. Enjoy your new reads Bea!!

    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  15. I'm sorry to hear about your Dad. Sending positive thoughts to you and your family. Happy reading!


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