Saturday, January 17, 2015

Winning at Reading Challenge!

Did you receive any books for the holidays? Or have some sitting from the holidays several years ago?

Have you won any books? Have you read them yet?

Are they sitting on a shelf or e-reader, collecting dust?

I know I have a books I've won or been gifted that I haven't read yet. Last year, I devoted February to reading those books and made a good dent in those dusty piles. But I've been fortunate enough to acquire more since then so I'm focusing on them again this February and I thought I'd see if anyone else wanted to join in. I can't be the only one who shoves them aside in favor of books for review or the busyness of every day life. Right? It's not just me is it? Am I all alone?

No? Phew! Come join me!

Read one, two, ten, or a hundred! Ok, maybe not a hundred. :D But see how many you can get through.

The Rules:

  • Sign up is from now through February 15th, 2015. You don't need to post a sign up  but please post a goals post before the linky closes on February 15th. You can post on goodreads, Facebook or your blog.
  • During the month of February read as many as you can of books you've won or received as a gift. Sorry, books purchased with a gift card do not count. The book itself must have been the gift.
  • Any format counts - print, digital, or audio.
  • Share a review of your book. It can be short, just a sentence or two, and share the review on  your blog, goodreads, Facebook or Amazon. 
  • On February 1st, I'll post a linky for your reviews. 
  • Visit as many of the reviews and participants as you can and leave a comment. Maybe you'll find a new to you blog.
  • At the end of the month, I'll do a giveaway for a book of your choice from either Book Depository or Amazon, up to $10US.Yes, another book for your win pile! :) Don't worry, I'll do this again next year so if you don't get it read, there's always next time. :D

My Goal -

8 books. I have 2 tour reviews for the month but the rest will be books I've won or been given. Some, probably most, of my reviews will post on the blog in March or April but I'll put up a short review on goodreads.


  1. What a good idea! I have lots of books I won that I just never seem to get to. Count me in :)

    1. Wonderful!

      Phew, I was hoping I wouldn't be all alone. :D

  2. I'm not sure how many I have that I've won or received as a gift, but I know I have a couple. This is a great idea, Bea!

    1. I only started tracking since joining goodreads in 2010. Books I received as gifts before then, some I remember and some I don't. But I feel guilty when someone gave me a book and I haven't read it yet. It looks at me and gives me sad puppy face. So, I'm making an effort. :)

      We'll get them read, even if it's just a couple, and then we won't feel guilty!

  3. I'm going to try for 1 book. With my review promises I won't have too many free spaces but I think I can get one in :D

    1. Whoot! 1 is good; it's 1 more than you had done. :)

  4. I have a few books that were gifted to me in fact one of them is from you..the Farm (hides)

  5. Wow, I signed up for Kimba's challenge in March, if I do yours in February, then I would have 2 back to back months of not buying or borrowing books to read. Hmm, I will give it thought and see if I can accomplish this :) Good luck to all!

    1. It does dovetail nicely with Kimba's challenge and with COYER.I hope you join in.

  6. I think I will try this. I have a couple of books I was gifted...great idea!

  7. I just won three cozy mysteries the other day, so this will be a good place for them. :) I forgot to mention them in my Week in Review, so hopefully I remember to next week. :)

    1. I sometimes forget to list books too. Congrats on your win and welcome aboard!

  8. I love the idea of this challenge. I will be joining.

  9. Oh wow, I love this idea! I need to get to so many books I've won! I'm signing up now and will get my post up in asap - this week is crazy so probably not until next week if that's okay. Love this idea!

    1. No rush! The linky is open for several more weeks. I'm glad you're joining!

  10. Hmm...many of my TBR pile books are in storage, but I know I have a few around here. I'll go for 2. Just because who knows what my schedule will bring. :)

    1. Ebooks are fine too. And it's not just any TBR books but those that were gifts or you won. Glad to have you!

  11. Hmm, I've been plowing through my gifted books and I haven't won any recently, so I will participate but not have too many to offer. Thanks for offering-- I'll say 3 I guess, maybe more when I look on my shelf (senior moment excuse) :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!