Friday, January 30, 2015

The Friday 56 - The Whole Enchilada by Diane Mott Davidson

This is a fun meme to do hosted by Freda's Voice. If you'd like to join in the fun go to The Friday 56.

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader.
*Find any sentence that grabs you.
*Post it.
*Link it here.

I've been away from this series for a few years and decided to get back to it. Currently I'm reading "The Whole Enchilada", by Diane Mott Davidson. The quote is from page 56  in the paperback.

Years ago, he'd been a legend in his own mind, never less than an hour late for any appointment, intent in impatiently interrupting patients as they related their tales of woe.


  1. Love that saying: "a legend in his own mind." Sounds like this is suspense with humor mixed in. I like that!
    My Friday post features A DARK & STORMY KNIGHT.

    1. It's a good saying, very evocative. Davidson mixes humor in but never goes over the top.

  2. I think I would have to read this by the cover alone. I choose a lot of books, just by looking at their covers. :-) It made me smile. Say it out loud, The Whole Enchilada. Did you smile?
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

    1. Another cover lover. :D The title makes me smile too.

  3. Being a legend in your own mind is either a good thing or a very bad thing! I do love the cover though and the F56 has me wanting to know more! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you enjoy your weekend!
    My Friday memes post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  4. I haven't read any books by her even though I've of course heard of them. I love the excerpt! I can just picture the type of guy she's describing.

  5. I have a few by Davidson in my TBR. Thank you for sharing this. I'd love you to read mine.

  6. Great teaser. Sounds like a book I would enjoy. Love the cover.

    Hope you'll visit me at

    1. So far I'm enjoying it. Thanks for visiting!

  7. I laughed and pictured a bit of a douche... lol... sounds like a good read though.
    Happy weekend!

  8. I read the first one in this series years ago and loved it, but never had a chance to continue reading these books. Someday I will...this one sounds good.


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