Monday, January 26, 2015

Quote-Tastic: Better Homes and Hauntings by Molly Harper

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"Better Homes and Hauntings" was a disappointing book but it had some humorous moments. After being awoken in the middle of the night by screams, a group of workers, including our heroine, find themselves at loose ends. This little bit made me laugh.

Nina looked up at Deacon. "What are we going to do now?"
Deacon only shook his head. "I have no idea."
Jake adjusted the basketball shorts he wore as pajamas. "Well, I'm wide awake. Being jolted into consciousness by bloodcurdling screams will do that."
Dotty ran her fingers through her hair and gave a forced, cheerful smile. "We're playing Vodka Pursuit!" Nina asked, "What is Vodka Pursuit?"
"It's like Trivial Pursuit, only with more vodka. It will cheer everybody up, trust me. It will help." Dotty jumped off the bed and went scampering down the hall, yelling for Stolichnaya and pie pieces.
Jake glanced at the clock, which read 12:42."This is not going to end well."


  1. LOL! I like the game name, and it's funny how pretty much everything can be turned into a drinking game :) I don't know about them, but I'd rather not imbibe in spirits when there are spirits screaming and rattling chains, lol. Sorry to hear this book didn't quite do it for you.

    1. I don't know; I think I'd prefer being drunk if there were spirits screaming at me. :D

  2. LOL! Great excerpt. I really enjoyed this one despite it's flaws partly because Deacon was so great!

  3. I think I'd already DNF-d it by that point. I don't remember that bit.

    1. The book as a whole needed work but it had some funny bits.

  4. I have this audiobook from the library (I download the CDs to my iTunes, then delete when I'm done). I haven't listened yet. I've heard it was disappointing, which is why it hasn't moved higher up my list.

    1. I was disappointed in it, but it might make a decent audiobook.

  5. lol - yeah, this did have some funny moments.


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