Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Release Day Review of Addiction by Angela McPherson

Publisher: Untold Press
Series: Distraction #2
Format Read: Kindle book
Source: the publisher in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: 
Buying Links: Amazon*
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

Despite denying their love for years, in the end no distraction could keep best friends Tristan and Elle apart. Passion and heat explode as the two finally discover what they’ve been missing, needing, wanting for so long.

When Tristan and Elle return home for Christmas break, the two are gifted with a few unexpected surprises. Heather, Elle’s sister, has come home and even better, she's now clean and sober. During this time, Tristan and his dad manage to work through their strained relationship, finding compromise and understanding. For the couple, everything is coming together—until circumstances change, threatening their newfound happiness.

Love is an addiction both craved, but when devastating secrets are revealed, Elle pushes Tristan away. He won't let go. She can't hold on. Is their love strong enough to keep them together? Falling in love was never an issue, but for Tristan and Elle, falling apart may be.

CarolKat's Thoughts:

Tristan and Elle are a new couple and over Christmas break they are going home to visit their families. 

Also coming home is Elle’s sister Heather, newly released from rehab. Something Elle knows nothing about.

This story shows the pain divorced parents cause their children by not communicating. But most important the suffering and helplessness of having a loved one who is fighting a battle with addiction.
Lies of omission abound in this book and the results had me crying and clenching my kindle so hard I thought I might break it.  

Tristan’s omission could be the one that destroys the fragile relationship between him and Elle.
This is a well written and intense read. Filled with love, laughter, heartache, pain and loss.
One of my favorite passages is with Elle and her mother the morning after their first night home.

Even though I was an adult, Tristan escaping before my Mom caught him in here made me breathe easier.
She tilted her head. “Tell Tristan next time he leaves this house, it better be through my front door.  Which is how he should’ve come in.  Not the window.  Understood?”
Sheer humiliation covered my face. I could only nod.

 Angela has again hit on the heart of everything and I look forward to the next installment of this series. Five stars for this excellent book.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a much more serious and emotional book than I would've guessed just looking at the cover. I will definitely have to give this a try! Another series to add to that TBR mountain. It's getting a bit ridiculous!


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