Monday, December 15, 2014

Quote-Tastic: Low Midnight by Carrie Vaughn

Join us every Monday and share a favorite quote that's grabbed you for one reason or another. Everyone's welcome to join in - authors, bloggers, readers. The more the merrier! Just grab the button and put up your post :) Don't have a blog? No worries, just leave your favorites in the comment section.  Quote-tastic is hosted by Herding Cats & Burning Soup.

This quote made me laugh but it also nicely illustrates differences in time and culture. Cormac is a former monster hunter and an American who is currently teamed up with Amelia, the ghost of a female British magician. She died over a hundred years. My review will be up later this month at Romance at Random then next month here at the Nook.

You know, he thought to Amelia, nobody says spinster anymore.
Well, yes, certainly. Etymologically, the word was doomed, considering so few of the women called spinsters actually spun wool anymore. So what do people call unmarried adult women now?
Um. Women, he said.


  1. Leaving my fave quote from a recent fave read:

    "Bury me in satin", by Seanan McGuire

    Mary just kept trudging along, the briars grabbing at her legs and feet the same as they did the living. There was something uncomfortable about that, like the girl was violating the laws of nature by obeying them.

    It both made me giggle some and feel sad - guess it helps to know that Mary is the ghost of a young girl to better understand what's sad about it.

  2. *waves* Hi Gerd, nice to see you here. Is that one of the Sparrow Road stories by Seanan? It is kind of sad.

    1. It belongs to the Fran and Jonathan set of stories (set in the 1940s) she offers as freebies on her website and plays pretty early in Mary's afterlife.

  3. LOL I might have to give her another go. It's been ages since I tried one of hers and I know I have a few sitting around here...somewhere still :D

  4. What a fun quote. Loving the cover.



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