Sunday, November 9, 2014

Sunday Book Share #114

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. All of these memes are about sharing the print and digital books received and/or posts and events on the blog.

Last week kicked my butt. I had to be at work early every day last week; and by early, I mean I had to leave by 6:30AM to be there for 8AM; A couple days were 8:30 so I could leave around 7:15. Blargh. Add in some new author clients and 4 new challenges for the month of November and I am so tired and so behind. Sigh.

The Week In Review

Reviews: Down to the Sea with Mr. Magee by Chris van Dusen (Bea)
Once Upon A Crime by Evelyn Cullet (Bea)
Always the Quiet Ones by Cassandra Carr (Bea)
Proxima by Stephen Baxer (Steph)
Cover Your Eyes by Mary Burton (Bea)

Excerpts: Blamed by Edie Harris

Cover Reveals: Always the Quiet Ones by Cassandra Carr

November Challenges:

Yeah, not doing so well. I need more hours in the day.

Ho Ho Ho Read-A-Thon - 2 books & a novella plus 1 mini-challenge completed.
Blog Ahead - 3 done, several more started. The goal is 30. *whimper*
A Month of Giving Thanks - I did great for the first 6 days and haven't done any since.
NetGalley November - 3 out of 10 so doing okay. 

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog: It was all about cats last week - "cat caffeine meme", "cat clean laundry meme", "cats and children", and "how to catch a cat" were the top search phrases. :D

Giveaways:  Win a Harlequin Romance Christmas Bundle, ends November 12th -

  • One mass market paperback of each of:
  • Christmas with the Billionaire
  • Maybe this Christmas by Sarah Morgan
  • Snow Angel Cove by RaeAnne Thayne
  • The Heart of Christmas by Brenda Novak
  • The Lodge on Holly Road by Sheila Roberts
  • One copy of Her Holiday Man by Shannon Stacey in the digital format of your choice
  • One package of ornament charms
  • One box of Harlequin-themed gift tags

  • 2 signed copies of Once Upon A Crime by Evelyn Cullet, ends November 13th.

    BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page - it was another good book week. :)


    Review Consideration

    The Baldacci books were sent by his publicist in preparation for an interview next month. Other bloggers and I will be participating in conference call where we each get to ask a question or two. I am beyond excited to be participating.

    I squealed delightedly when I opened the UPS package to find the Harris book. While I was disappointed in the direction that the Sookie series went, I loved the first six or so books and this anthology has some amazing writers in it.

    Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

    Thanks for visiting :)


    1. Oh my gosh. That is WAY too early in the morning. ::shudders::

    2. Yikes, that's early. Hope this week is better. You seem to be doing well with the readathon- I've finished one book but have a long way to go with my second yet.

      Have a great rest of the weekend!

      1. Thanks!

        I put a lot of things on hold so I could read during the read-a-thon. I have a good sized pile of books to get through.

    3. I would've squealed about that UPS package! I love getting books in the mail. It's like Christmas without having to cook the dinner! I'm exhausted just reading about your work week. Hope next week is a little easier on you!

      1. Lol. It is! I don't know my schedule yet but hopefully there will be fewer early mornings.

    4. UPS package are a beautiful thing. Especially when the contain BOOKS!

      Blah, I get up at 6:30 too. I don't mind during summer; I actually love being up early. But when it's cold and dark ... no thank you!

      1. Oh yes, a very beautiful thing. Leaving the house at 6:30 in the morning is less beautiful. Blergh

    5. I get up at 6.30 most mornings. I don't mind I'm an early bird but I can't do late nights. I just can't.
      Your conference call sounds like it will be fun! Enjoy your books in preparation.
      And I loved your *whimper* at the idea of Blog Ahead. I'm feeling a bit like that too :)

      1. Oh, I'm up earlier than that. I have to leave the house at 6:30 and I am not a morning person.

        I'm looking forward to the conference call; I need to prep my questions.

        Once the Ho Ho Ho Read-A-Thon is done, I should be able to make headway on Blog Ahead. I hope.

    6. Yep I used to wake up at 5am if I was doing a morning shift. HATED IT. *hugs* Maybe you need less challenges this month, Bea :) Enjoy your reads!

      1. That is just too early *shudder*

        Yea, I was ambitious. Ah well. I'm not bored. :D

    7. What a busy week! Hope you are able to stay at home and read this weekend (before the process starts all over again...ugh).

      My Sunday post:

    8. Way too early. I am retired but I do remember those days. Now is still get up early but I don't have to get dressed and go out. I just sit around with my coffee and my paper for an hour or two.

    9. You really had a busy week indeed. I like the anthology. That anthology has a lot of good authors in it. Great stack of books as well.

      Grace @ Books of Love

    10. Hmmm Dead But Not Forgotten looks interesting, curious to know what that one's all about and what you think of it.

    11. I have yet to read a Sookie Stackhouse book, but I must do so...soon!

      I don't miss those weeks of rushing constantly...retirement and freelance work suits me, although I sometimes still wake up early out of habit.

      Once Upon a Crime looks tempting...enjoy!

      Here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

      But it's great not to have to go anywhere in the morning.

      1. If I can get the freelance work to a point where I can quit my day job, life should be less crazy.

    12. Please note that you are doing a heck of a lot better at the challenges then me to the point I didn't even update about them today. 0 net galley 0 Ho ho ho and 0 Blog ahead. See the pattern :/

      Getting up early is tough my husband had a job change and now gets up at 4:30 am to get to work by 6:30am it's a rough schedule but at this point for us it's money and we need that lol :)

      Have a great week Bea and Happy Reading!!!

    13. At least you're consistent, lol.

      Yeah, early mornings suck but as you said, it's money.

    14. Early mornings are hard, but hopefully this next one coming up will go more smoothly for you. You received some good books in the mail/UPS and I see some I would read. Lucky you, toget to talk to David Baldacci! I'm a fan of his, didn't know he had a YA series too.

    15. Wow! It sounds like you've been very busy! I hate those early morning hours.

      The Baldacci interview sounds exciting!

      Hope you have a good week.

    16. Wow! That Harris book looks like fun!
      They are long days Bea, I bet you are exhausted. Hope it is a bit better this week!
      Enjoy your new reads!

      Thanx for visiting My Weekly Wrap-Up!
      Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

    17. Nice haul Bea. I hope work doesn't kick your but this week.
      Happy Reading.
      Sharon @ Sharon's Book Nook!

    18. Oh! I share your sentiments. I wake up 5am daily for work.

      Here's mine:

    19. I don't think I could survive having to be out of the house by 6:30 every morning! Glad you made it! Hope this week is easier!


    Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!