Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Steph Reviews Louisiana Fever By D.J. Donaldson

Publisher: Astor + Blue Editions
Series: Andy Broussard/Kit Franklyn Mystery #5
Format Read: Ebook
Source: From the publisher for an honest review
Release Date: March 5, 2014
Buying Links: Amazon* | Book Depository* | ARe*/OmniLit | Barnes & Noble
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from Goodreads:

Andy Broussard, the plump and proud New Orleans medical examiner, obviously loves food. Less apparent to the casual observer is his hatred of murderers. Together with his gorgeous sidekick, psychologist Kit Franklyn, the two make a powerful, although improbable, mystery solving duo.

When the beautiful Kit goes to meet an anonymous stranger--who's been sending her roses--the man drops dead at her feet before she even could even get his name. Game on.

Andy Broussard soon learns that the man carried a lethal pathogen similar to the deadly Ebola virus. Soon, another body turns up with the same bug. Panic is imminent as the threat of pandemic is more real than ever before. The danger is even more acute, because the carrier is mobile, his identity is an absolute shocker, he knows he's a walking weapon and... he's on a quest to find Broussard. And Kit isn't safe either. When she investigates her mystery suitor further, she runs afoul of a cold blooded killer, every bit as deadly as the man searching for Broussard.

Louisiana Fever is written in Donaldson's unique style: A hard-hitting, punchy, action-packed prose that's dripping with a folksy, decidedly southern, sense of irony. Add in Donaldson's brilliant first hand knowledge of forensics and the sultry flavor of New Orleans, and the result is first class forensic procedural within an irresistibly delectable mystery.

Steph's Thoughts:

Louisiana Fever is actually the fifth book in the Andy and Kit series but it is the second book being reissued by Astor +Blue. I am really enjoying this series.

Medical thrillers are what pushed me towards a biology degree, so I love the science aspects of this series. They get technical but not so crazy that the average person can’t understand them. However, do not try to eat during the autopsy scenes. They are pretty detailed.

I love the character of Andy Broussard. He reminds me of Quincy (Wow, I really dated myself with that one{I remember watching that show! ~ Bea}). These books were originally written in the 1990’s, so the forensics are not CSI but more like early Law & Order or episodes of Quincy. You have to keep that in mind because you will find yourself saying “Why don’t they Google it?” or “Why don’t they ping the cellphone?” Things that are done on every police show today and nobody bats an eye, were not around a few years ago. It makes you realize how dependent we have gotten on technology.

The story moves fast, I was halfway through the book before I realized it. I didn’t want to put it down and was pretty annoyed when I got a call in the middle of the book. However, when I got back to it, I finished in pretty good time and I am ready to grab the next book in the series.

There are a few times when you see things from the killer’s POV and it is very interesting and makes you worried for the person being stalked. The whole book kept me on the edge of my seat. It is almost non-stop action and I loved it! A real roller coaster ride from start to finish.

The only problem I had with the book was in the beginning when Kit feeds her dog grapes. I am pretty sure even back then, they knew grapes were toxic to dogs and the food mentioned in the book. You have no idea how much I want to go to New Orleans and gorge myself on food. I think I gain 5 pounds every time I read a book in this series.

Overall, I need this book (and the rest) in paperback format so that I can add them to my bookshelves. Not only would I add it to my library but I would read it again because I am sure I missed something.

1 comment:

  1. This book sounds awesome! Thanks for sharing. I love New Orleans and thrillers so this seems like the perfect fit for me.


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