Saturday, November 1, 2014

A Month of Giving Thanks: Day One

Berl at Fantasy Is More Fun and Michelle at Because Reading Is Better Than Real Life are hosting a month long blog event for giving thanks. The idea is to blog about people, things, or events that we are thankful for. I probably won't post every day; I'm aiming instead for a few times a week. 
“A Month of Giving Thanks with Berls & Michelle” will be a month-long challenge to post every day from November 1st to November 30th about something we’re thankful for. This is about sharing the love and being thankful, so there really aren’t going to be any rules or anything. We just thought it would be nice to invite everyone to join, so that we can all share the love! - See more at:
“A Month of Giving Thanks with Berls & Michelle” will be a month-long challenge to post every day from November 1st to November 30th about something we’re thankful for. This is about sharing the love and being thankful, so there really aren’t going to be any rules or anything. We just thought it would be nice to invite everyone to join, so that we can all share the love! - See more at:
“A Month of Giving Thanks with Berls & Michelle” will be a month-long challenge to post every day from November 1st to November 30th about something we’re thankful for. This is about sharing the love and being thankful, so there really aren’t going to be any rules or anything. We just thought it would be nice to invite everyone to join, so that we can all share the love! - See more at:

If you want to participate, you still can; just click on one of the links above. You can post every day, once a week, several times a week, whatever schedule works for you. There will be a linky post every day at the to host blogs so you can link up your post.

Today, I'm going to give thanks to the people who inspired me to start blogging: Dros at Falcata Times, Tez at Tez Says, and Lou and Has at The Book Pushers. I met all of them at Kelley Armstrong's now defunct message board. We chatted often and I had numerous questions about blogging and book reviewing. The four of them inspired me to give it a try, even though I have always sucked at keeping a journal. When I actually started blogging Dros and Has were especially helpful and encouraging. You can blame or credit them for the Nook! Personally, I give them beaucoup credit. <3

If you have a minute, go to their blogs and say hi, give them some love. Maybe you'll find a new blog or two to follow. :)

Is there anything you're grateful or thankful for today? Share in the comments.

Thanks for visiting :)

“A Month of Giving Thanks with Berls & Michelle” will be a month-long challenge to post every day from November 1st to November 30th about something we’re thankful for. This is about sharing the love and being thankful, so there really aren’t going to be any rules or anything. We just thought it would be nice to invite everyone to join, so that we can all share the love! - See more at:
“A Month of Giving Thanks with Berls & Michelle” will be a month-long challenge to post every day from November 1st to November 30th about something we’re thankful for. This is about sharing the love and being thankful, so there really aren’t going to be any rules or anything. We just thought it would be nice to invite everyone to join, so that we can all share the love!
I plan to thank the bookish community – bloggers and authors but I am also going to do a few people in my personal life as well. You are free to Thank who ever you would like to it’s totally up to you.
We’ll have a linky on our post each day so that you can link up that day’s Month of Giving Thanks post and visit everyone else’s. I also created a great button that you can use for your posts! Go ahead and grab it now and share it on your blog to help us spread the word:
- See more at:
“A Month of Giving Thanks with Berls & Michelle” will be a month-long challenge to post every day from November 1st to November 30th about something we’re thankful for. This is about sharing the love and being thankful, so there really aren’t going to be any rules or anything. We just thought it would be nice to invite everyone to join, so that we can all share the love!
I plan to thank the bookish community – bloggers and authors but I am also going to do a few people in my personal life as well. You are free to Thank who ever you would like to it’s totally up to you.
We’ll have a linky on our post each day so that you can link up that day’s Month of Giving Thanks post and visit everyone else’s. I also created a great button that you can use for your posts! Go ahead and grab it now and share it on your blog to help us spread the word:
- See more at:
“A Month of Giving Thanks with Berls & Michelle” will be a month-long challenge to post every day from November 1st to November 30th about something we’re thankful for. This is about sharing the love and being thankful, so there really aren’t going to be any rules or anything. We just thought it would be nice to invite everyone to join, so that we can all share the love!
I plan to thank the bookish community – bloggers and authors but I am also going to do a few people in my personal life as well. You are free to Thank who ever you would like to it’s totally up to you.
We’ll have a linky on our post each day so that you can link up that day’s Month of Giving Thanks post and visit everyone else’s. I also created a great button that you can use for your posts! Go ahead and grab it now and share it on your blog to help us spread the word:
- See more at:
“A Month of Giving Thanks with Berls & Michelle” will be a month-long challenge to post every day from November 1st to November 30th about something we’re thankful for. This is about sharing the love and being thankful, so there really aren’t going to be any rules or anything. We just thought it would be nice to invite everyone to join, so that we can all share the love!
I plan to thank the bookish community – bloggers and authors but I am also going to do a few people in my personal life as well. You are free to Thank who ever you would like to it’s totally up to you.
We’ll have a linky on our post each day so that you can link up that day’s Month of Giving Thanks post and visit everyone else’s. I also created a great button that you can use for your posts! Go ahead and grab it now and share it on your blog to help us spread the word:
- See more at:
“A Month of Giving Thanks with Berls & Michelle” will be a month-long challenge to post every day from November 1st to November 30th about something we’re thankful for. This is about sharing the love and being thankful, so there really aren’t going to be any rules or anything. We just thought it would be nice to invite everyone to join, so that we can all share the love!
I plan to thank the bookish community – bloggers and authors but I am also going to do a few people in my personal life as well. You are free to Thank who ever you would like to it’s totally up to you.
We’ll have a linky on our post each day so that you can link up that day’s Month of Giving Thanks post and visit everyone else’s. I also created a great button that you can use for your posts! Go ahead and grab it now and share it on your blog to help us spread the word:
- See more at:
“A Month of Giving Thanks with Berls & Michelle” will be a month-long challenge to post every day from November 1st to November 30th about something we’re thankful for. This is about sharing the love and being thankful, so there really aren’t going to be any rules or anything. We just thought it would be nice to invite everyone to join, so that we can all share the love!
I plan to thank the bookish community – bloggers and authors but I am also going to do a few people in my personal life as well. You are free to Thank who ever you would like to it’s totally up to you.
We’ll have a linky on our post each day so that you can link up that day’s Month of Giving Thanks post and visit everyone else’s. I also created a great button that you can use for your posts! Go ahead and grab it now and share it on your blog to help us spread the word:
- See more at:


  1. OMG I love finding out how you got started! I love the Nook so I thank them too, I am so happy I found you and your blog!
    Have a fantastic Day!!!

    1. It seemed a good way to kick off the month. :) I'm glad you love the Nook, that's always nice to hear.

      Have a great day!

  2. Aw, thank you for thanking me, Kind One :-)

    1. Thank YOU for being such an inspiration. :)

  3. Aww I already love them - how else would I know you?! Its always great hearing how people got started. I'm off to visit them :) Thanks for joining us!

    1. Thanks for hosting this! They're a diverse group of bloggers but they've all been around for quite a while.

  4. Aws that's awesome they got you on the blogging train. :)

    1. Yep. :) If not for them, the Nook would still be a dream.

  5. This is such a fun thing to do and spread the blog love :D I'm so happy that they got you to start blogging!

    1. Thanks :)

      I'm going to be spotlighting various bloggers and authors throughout the month, and sharing the love.

  6. I love hearing how bloggers got started. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I love the idea of these posts, and I think we can always find something to be thankful for, which makes me happy to see posts of appreciation such as this! I am happy and thankful for the awesome blogs I get to read every day :3


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