Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A Month of Giving Thanks: Day 4

Berl at Fantasy Is More Fun and Michelle at Because Reading Is Better Than Real Life are hosting a month long blog event for giving thanks. The idea is to blog about people, things, or events that we are thankful for. I probably won't post every day; I'm aiming instead for a few times a week.

If you want to participate, you still can; just click on one of the links above. You can post every day, once a week, several times a week, whatever schedule works for you. There will be a linky post every day at the to host blogs so you can link up your post.

Steph is in the hot seat today! She's relatively new to the Nook, having come on board this past spring. Like Jax, I met Steph at Kelley Armstrong's board and then we became Facebook friends. She was a blogger at Book Chick City for a while then left. I suggested she join me as Jax had started scaling back her time on the blog as had CarolKat and I wanted additional help.

Steph and I chat regularly on FB about her son, books, the blog, and animals. She's been one of several people helping me learn how to  be a good fish owner. When I brought 2 betta fish home this summer, I had no clue what I was doing :D and Steph has answered questions and offered suggestions. We are drawn to many of the same books so sometimes when a request comes in we'll find we're both interested. Sometimes we'll ask if the author or publisher would be interested in a dual review, sometimes I'll defer to Steph since my pile is always so darn large, and a few times I've asserted my prerogative as blog owner and claimed a book. :P I always enjoy chatting with Steph and I hope she'll be part of the Nook for a long time to come. Some day we may even meet.

Day 3
Day 2
Day 1


  1. It's so great you have such a fab support group you've known for so long. Those chat boards were such a good thing!

  2. Sounds like you've got an amazing crew here!

  3. Haha I think I'd have a hard time not always hoarding the books, even though I don't have time to add anymore! I just want all the books LOL. Sounds like a great friendship and a fun group to work with here at the book nook!


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