Monday, October 27, 2014

Quote-Tastic #61 Women Are Like Bicycles

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This is from an older book, Superstition by Karen Robards. The narrator, our hero Joe, is reminiscing over how his needs and behavior concerning women have changed. Apparently, some men can change. :D

Women were undoubtedly a lot like bicycles: Once you learned how to ride, you never really forgot. But all his experience of women had been before, when he'd been a a cocky, badass babe-magnet who'd perfected "love 'em and leave 'em" until his particular version of it had approached the level of art. Now it was after, and he was broken: fragile and tentative and unsure of the world and his place in it in a way he had never been before.


  1. Interesting. Got me curious what happened to him. She's one I've meant to try but never managed to get around to.

  2. Definitely interesting though I'm not sure how genuine it feels. Are you enjoying this one? I do like the cover though!

  3. Sounds like he's had a lot of life happen since his early years. I've never read this author. I'll have to check this one out.


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