Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Blog Ahead Challenge!


Why yes, that is another challenge picture; why yes, I'm doing another challenge; why yes, I'm nuts. You should know that by now.  :P

This one is practical - get ahead on blogging  by writing and scheduling posts ahead of time. I'm much better at that these these days. A year ago, I rarely scheduled posts ahead, waiting until the last minute. When I first started blogging, it took me months to figure out how to schedule a post. While I still procrastinate on many posts, I do it less often as life is just too busy these days. So this challenge is perfect while not too easy - getting 30 posts done will keep me busy but the end result will be well worth it. At the moment I have 8 posts scheduled and about 5 in drafts (not including some that are permanently in drafts such as templates). :D

From the sign up post at Herding Cats & Burning Soup:

At the end of the month of Nov you'll have 30 additional pre-schedules than when you started the month. 
ex--If you Start with 5 pre schedules--End with 35 pre schedules
     Start with 10 pre schedules-- End with 40 pre schedules

Who Can Join
Any blogger. New, seasoned, Blogger, Wordpress
Any heat level, genre or theme, etc

Types of Posts
Anything you want :)
meme, review, guest post, interview, discussion, etc. 
It doesn't have to be book related.

What to do Next!
Sign Up Below! 
(Reminders will be sent out mid-Oct)
Create a blog post to keep track of your goals & for people to drop by and give their support!
(this can be done anytime from now until Nov 1st)
If you'd like to do more...
Spread the Word--invite your friends/fellow bloggers!
Join the FB group
(this can be a pretty hard challenge--come get/give some blogger support!)
Add the Blog Ahead button to your blog

I'll post an update about how I did every week n my Sunday Share post and a final wrap up at the end of the month in my monthly challenge wrap up post. Feel free to comment here through the end of November, providing encouragement and butt-kicks, as needed. :D


  1. Woots! Thanks for joining in Bridget! I'm doing better these days too. Those early days were rough doing it all last minute. Good luck with the challenge :) And I've got you updated on the linky list to this post :)

    1. Yeah. those last minute posts all the time were stressful. Scheduling is much better.

  2. Glad you're joining in too! Can't wait to get started with this challenge :)

    1. I've been excited since Anna mentioned it. It'll be fun.

  3. This is a really cool challenge. Glad to see it exists :)

  4. Whoa...I can't imagine doing that! Good luck!

    1. Thanks Laura. It's definitely going to be a challenge.

  5. Ug. I'm lucky if I can schedule for the week on the weekend before. lol. I sometimes get scheduled a week ahead, but a month? I don't know. Good luck to you!

    1. Thanks. It is ambitious but I'll be happy with having additional posts ready to go even if I don't hit 30.

  6. I joined last minute. This is a challenge that I must succeed with!


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