Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Pack of Lies by Lucy Felthouse: Giveaway, Excerpt & Guest Post

Welcome! Pull up a seat and relax. Today I have an excerpt from a new paranormal erotic romance, "Pack of Lies", by Lucy Felthouse as well as a guest post by the author and a giveaway. Lucy is a very busy woman! She writes erotica and erotic romance in a variety of subgenres and pairings, and has over 100 publications to her name, with many more in the pipeline. These include several editions of Best Bondage Erotica, Best Women's Erotica 2013 and Best Erotic Romance 2014. Another string to her bow is editing, and she has edited and co-edited a number of anthologies, and also edits for a small publishing house. She owns Erotica For All, is book editor for Cliterati, and is one eighth of The Brit Babes.

Find Lucy Online:




As Matthew and Isaac Adams opened the front door to their house, the telephone started ringing. Matthew sighed. “Typical. No rest for the wicked. I’ll answer it, you go and get ready for work.”

Isaac nodded and headed off to do as his brother advised. Matthew, the older of the two, walked toward the ringing phone and snatched it off the hook. Then, remembering that the person on the other end of the line would have no idea what a rough night he’d just had, he made the effort to inject some politeness into his tone.

“Hello? Adams residence.” Isaac had told him time and time again that the last part about the residence was old-fashioned, that people didn’t say that anymore, but Matthew couldn’t seem to shake it.

“Hello, Matthew? It’s Richard.” The village vicar’s voice, even though he’d only spoken four words, sounded strained, almost panicked. “You boys just get back?”

“Yeah, a moment ago. Why, what’s up?”

“I, uh… I got a call. A dead sheep has been found up on the moor. Not just dead. Mutilated. Like a wild animal attack.”

An unpleasant feeling wormed its way under Matthew’s skin and his stomach flipped. “Oh?” He paused, then figured he had nothing to gain by not saying the next words he wanted to. “You don’t think it was us?”

The vicar’s gasp was instant, one of genuine surprise. “Lord, no! Absolutely not. I just phoned to let you know and I was wondering if you’d come up there with me and take a look. You and Isaac are probably more qualified than anyone else in the village to tell what did this.”

“Isaac has to work, he just went to get ready. But yes, I’ll come up. I’ll let my brother know where I’m going, then I’ll be straight over. Are you at the rectory?”

“Yes. Okay, I’ll see you soon. Thanks, Matthew. Bye.”


Matthew hung up the phone with another sigh. The horrible feeling that had crept under his skin and taken over his gut seemed as if it was there to stay, and it was never a good sign. The vicar’s news was surprising, yes, but he also had an inkling that it was going to spell trouble, or at the very least inconvenience, for him and his brother.

Pulling in a deep breath in an attempt to calm his jangling nerves, Matthew walked upstairs and toward his brother’s bedroom. The door was closed. He knocked. “You decent?”

“Yeah,” Isaac replied, “close enough.”

Stepping into the room, Matthew looked at his brother. He was half-dressed, ready for his shift at the doctor’s surgery, where he was a general practitioner. “Sorry to interrupt, mate, but that was Richard on the phone. They’ve found a mutilated sheep up on the moor, and he’s asked me to go with him to check it out.”

Isaac paused with one arm pushed into his shirtsleeve. “He doesn’t think—”

Matthew cut him off. “No. He was quite adamant about that. He just thought we’d be able to help figure out what did it. I explained that you’ve got to go to work, though. I’m going to head across there now and go up with him.”

“I could phone in, let them know I’ll be late.”

Matthew held up his hand. “There’s no need, brother. Relax. Just go to work and help the sick people. I’ll let you know what—if anything—I find out.”

Opening his mouth, then closing it again, Isaac seemed to have thought better of whatever he was going to say. He continued to dress. “All right, I will. But make sure you let me know what happens. Send me a text or something, and I’ll phone you as soon as I have a gap in between patients.”

Matthew grimaced. He hated texting. Hated mobile phones, actually. Technology was one of the things he disliked most about modern-day life, though he realized it was a necessary evil. It solved as many problems for him and his brother as it created, so he dealt with it as best he could. Fortunately, Isaac had always had an affinity with computers and phones, so he tutored his older brother.

“Yeah, all right. I’d better go and find my phone first then, eh?”

Smirking at his brother’s rolled eyes, he left the room and headed for his own bedroom, where he thought he’d left the device the previous night, before he and Isaac had headed for the caves. Immediately spotting the mobile phone—which Isaac often made a point of telling him was akin to a brick—he grabbed it and stuffed it into his pocket and made his way downstairs.

Retrieving his keys from the hook by the front door, he called up to his brother. “I’m going now, Isaac. I’ll see you after my shift at the pub. I’m working until closing time.”

“Okay. Don’t forget to keep me posted!” “I won’t.” As if he could forget. The dead sheep was going to be a big thing, he just knew it. The vicar might not think he and his brother had anything to do with it, but some of the other villagers might. When there was no proof either way, just his and Isaac’s word, it was understandable, really. Since he and his brother changed into wolves every full moon, it was a natural conclusion to draw. Particularly since normal wolves had been extinct in England for over five hundred years.


Casting My Characters for Pack of Lies by Lucy Felthouse (@cw1985) #werewolf #paranormal #erotic #romance

Hello and welcome to the seventh day of my blog tour for Pack of Lies, and thanks so much to my host for the day.

Casting my characters in my own mind isn’t something I always do. As always as novels, I write a lot of short stories and novellas, so it’s not always necessary. Sometimes I don’t spend enough time with characters to build up an image of what they look like—it’s more about what they do.

However, for Pack of Lies, I knew all along it was going to be a book with a large word count, so I needed to keep a good grasp on my characters to make sure I didn’t end up with any inconsistencies. Also, I feel if I have a really good feel for what my characters look like and behave like, then my readers will too, and it’ll hopefully make the story so much more real.

It didn’t take long for me to work out who I’d have playing my sexy werewolf boys if the novel ever got made into a film (ahh, a girl can dream!). The delectable Hugh Jackman would be perfect for Matthew Adams, the older werewolf brother. He’s big, can look menacing, and yet is gorgeous and women would certainly enjoy looking at him.

Taylor Kitsch would be ideal for the younger werewolf brother, Isaac Adams. He’s handsome and has a more playful vibe about him. I’ve since seen him play a gay character in The Normal Heart so that’s just perfect—he can definitely “act” gay, if you see what I mean!

Strangely, I didn’t have an actress in mind for Matthew’s love interest, Sally. Perhaps it’s because I like my male eye candy better!

Isaac’s love interest, Nathaniel, is a character I also cast in my mind. Aussie actor Daniel Feurriegel would play Nathaniel. He played a gay character in Spartacus, so I know he can also “act” gay very successfully, and damn, I think they’d look good together ;)

I haven’t mentally cast any of the more minor characters, so I’ll leave that up to the film studio ;)

Here’s my Pinterest board for the book: http://www.pinterest.com/cw1985/pack-of-lies/

The book has been incredibly well received so far, with lots of four and five star reviews—so if you’re a paranormal romance fan, I hope you’ll check it out! Also, don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

Happy Reading,

Lucy x

Werewolf brothers Matthew and Isaac have lived in the peaceful village of Eyam all their lives. The villagers know what happens every full moon, and are happy to keep their secret. But their privacy comes at a cost—neither brother has taken a lover in almost four hundred years.

Then at the full moon, a sheep is slaughtered on Eyam Moor, by what could only be an animal. A large, vicious animal. Even the brothers’ staunchest supporters begin to have their doubts. Meanwhile Isaac is smitten by a handsome newcomer to the village, while a vivacious visitor is happy to offer Matthew her all.

As they indulge their lust, they must clear their names and convince their neighbours that they aren’t also letting their baser instincts out to play.

Inside Scoop: This book contains sizzling scenes of both M/M and M/F sex.

Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Format: ebook
Release Date: August 8, 2014
Buying Link: Amazon US* | Amazon UK | Barnes & Noble | Ellora's Cave




a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Werewolf and six packs? Just MY thing!

  2. Thanks for sharing the guest post and the excerpt. I like it.

  3. This seems like such a good giveaway but I haven't entered because erotica isn't for me. But lovely guest post anyways and it was cool to read about the book!

    Check out my review and giveaway: http://olivia-savannah.blogspot.nl/2014/08/angeions-book-review.html

  4. A fantastic excerpt and i'm hooked already. Loving the male leads you have in mind to play the characters - i can picture the characters so much more clearly!

  5. "Perhaps it’s because I like my male eye candy better!" -- lol

    I sometimes cast books when I'm reading them because it gives me a certain consistency but I often have a harder time with female characters too!

  6. Thank you for the chance!

  7. sounds like a great book! Thanks for the giveaway.

    rounder9834 @yahoo.com

  8. Sounds very intriguing!!! I agree Hugh Jackman would be good at this role.


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