Saturday, May 17, 2014

Bea Reviews Whaley's Big Adventure: Presented by Carole P. Roman, by Alexander Luke

Publisher: Red Feather Publishing
Format Read: paperback
Source: the publisher in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: December 29, 2013
Buying Links: Amazon* | Book Depository* | Barnes & Noble
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

Join Whaley on his big adventure in the ocean as he meets Whales of all different sizes. Written and illustrated by 5 year old Alexander Luke, and presented by his grandmother, award-winning children's author Carole P. Roman, this oceanic adventure of whale-sized proportions will teach youngsters about the different whales that live in the oceans.

Bea's Thoughts:

This is written and illustrated by a young boy but even adults will enjoy young Luke's storytelling. The artwork is done in what looks like watercolors and is pretty accurate in its depictions. The colors are calming and every page adds to the overall story. The storyline is simple: Whaley, who appears to be a blue whale, is curious about other whales and goes on an adventure to learn about them. I don't know how accurate the information is but it should spark an interest in children to find out more. On each page we get information about the whale or dolphin pictured. If you want an actual story, this is not your book, but if you want to learn more about whales and enjoy cute pictures, read Whaley. Luke did a good job organizing his information and he has an easy, enjoyable voice. The book also works well as just a picture book. "Whaley's Big Adventure" will be enjoyed by children and adults alike and may inspire other children to write their own stories. :)

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  1. Awws this looks like a cute read, I remember being obsessed with whales and dolphins when I was a kids, I was always reading about them, watching Discovery Channel specials about them and drawing them. I like how it was illustrated by a little boy and I can see a lot of kids enjoying this one even if there isn't a story.

  2. On behalf of Alexander Luke, I want to thank you for the lovely review. He loves whales and simply wanted to share his enjoyment of the information. It was a great weekend project for both of us.


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