Thursday, April 24, 2014

Cat Thursday - Cat Real Estate

 Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates cats; their foibles and humorousness and the joy they bring. You can join in by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you made or came across, cat art or share with us pics of your own felines, then post your link up at The True Book Addict.

Some of these are just amazing. I wish my place were big enough to do something along these lines and that I could afford to do so. These are great for indulging a cat's need for height and for movement while maybe protecting your furniture.

There are some really neat outdoor arrangements too. They let cats enjoy being outside while keeping them safe.


  1. Super cute pics. I WISH I had the time to set up an outdoor run for the girls -- they'll have to settle for the screen porch.

  2. I don't like much seeing cats in cages (though I understand why !) but what those people did inside their homes ? It's amazingly great ! :)

  3. These are amazing. I really wish I could build a screen porch for my girls but it's costly.

  4. If only I had the money! I would do that in a heartbeat!

  5. Hmm my comment disappeared I think. Was saying I was just talking about these houses with someone yesterday. Just love the idea and would totally do something like it here but no clue how to even start.

  6. Wow these are awesome. Now I want to make a pin board just for cat-owned houses!

  7. These are amazing! I especially love the outdoor setups, as Alice really is a fan of the outdoors, but it's not safe to let her go outside. Maybe someday I can set something up. One can dream, right? :)


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